Japanese Fundamentals 3


Welcome to Japanese Fundamentals 3! My name is Ikuko Fujiwara, and I am the instructor of this course.  

Here is my diversity statement to show my commitment to creating an equitable learning environment. 

About This Website

This website is a Japanese Fundamentals 3 syllabus and will provide you with everything you need to know about this course.  If the syllabus does not answer all of your questions, please email me and I would be happy to answer them or update this website. Please click on the link below for the course description, objectives, and prerequisites.

How This Course Works

Essential Online Tools 

As this is a synchronous online class (a class we meet live virtually), please make sure that you have a device with audio and video capabilities, as well as an internet connection.  Here are the three essential online tools we will use in this class: 

Weekly Homework

All homework assignments for this course are optional, but strongly encouraged. They are meant for you to review, practice, and check your understanding of the topics covered in class. 

This Class is About You

Your Learning is My Teaching

As much as I possibly can, I would like to make this class to be about you. I will be asking a lot of questions throughout the sessions to get to know you and to understand what you're looking for in this course. Please consider joining each session a little early so we can spend some time getting to know each other. I do not hold any office hours, but I will open the zoom class 15 minutes before class, and also leave the class open 15 minutes after class in case you have any immediate questions, or simply would like to stay to chat. 

Many Forms of Participation

This class respects and honors all learning styles, preferences, and spaces. Participation can take many forms. Maybe you feel you learn best through interactions and actively participating. Or perhaps you are like me who likes to listen and digest first before participating in the discussion. Maybe you just had a busy day, and you would rather just listen in. I would like you to choose a learning mode that works for you. Please consider trying different approaches to see what your preferences might be for the day. Here are some participation guidelines I would like you to follow during class: 

Reflection Form

The reflection form is an important element to make this course unique and meaningful. After every lesson, you will be asked to submit a reflection form that includes questions about your understanding and satisfaction of the lesson. You can also use this form to ask any questions about the content of the lesson. The form also asks questions that will help me customize and plan future lessons.

For Any Questions and Concerns

Contact information of the instructors will be included in our welcome email