The requirement we are in need of satisfying for the state historic preservation offices in re: to Section 106 consultation is to display the date and time of the photo. I was thinking it would be best to leave that to the technology and add automatically since our users will only have field user licenses.

We did something like this that we started back in 2014 before they had photo attachments in Collector and before you could carry the EXIF info in the GIS DB. We just used iPADs with there built in EXIF INFO and then would sync the Photo library to Dropbox for auto download and then run the Photo to points tool from ESRI on the different photo folders. You can then make a chevron symbol of the point and assign the geographic azimuth rotation (extracted from the EXIF automatically by the Photos 2 Pts routine to the symbol rotation and load them on a map which show the location. You may have to fiddle a bit with the rotation option (o or 180) in the Symbology tab by testing and imported photo point. Not sure how close you need the location, but we used it for identifying Storm Drain features for repair..

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Hmmm, which version of Lightroom are you running? Capture Time is supposed to be running a secondary sort on the Filename automatically, so any photos shot in the same second should then use the filename.

Take photo snapshot - When recordingvideo, the switch to photo mode icon turns white - selecting it will now take a photo while recording video. Note that different photo modes are not supported when taking photos while recording video, nor is RAW supported. The photo resolution will not in general match the resolution set in preferences, rather it will be set automatically (usually to match the aspect ratio of the video resolution).

Also note that the feature reduces the available space in the image - because rotating an image makes it no longer fit into a rectangular image, so we have to crop it. So it's still advisable to try to hold the camera reasonably level when using this feature. When auto-level is enabled, an on-screen rectangle will display the frame of the resultant rotated photo (note that this won't necessarily be 100% accurate depending on device/resolution, in the same way that normally the preview frame may not perfectly match the resultant photo - this will especially be true if Settings/Camera preview/"Preview size" is set to "Maximise preview size".

Dynamic Range Optimisation (DRO) is a technique that optimises the dynamic range available in the image. In particular, darkregions will have their brightness boosted to bring out the detail. This mode is useful for capturing scenes with a wide rangeof brightness (e.g., on a bright sunny day) as well as being useful to automatically optimise photos in low light scenes. Alsosee DRO vs HDR.

Repeat mode interval - Specify the delay (if any) between photos in repeat mode. Note that if a delayis selected, note that this does not include the time taken to auto-focus and take each photo. Similarly, "Nodelay" still means there will be some time between each photo. If you want to take a burst of photos, use theFast Burst photo mode, or long press the "take photo" button in Standard or Fast Burst photo modes.(Burst mode only supported on some devices; requires Camera2 API to be enabled).

Lock photo/video orientation - Normally the orientation of the photo/video will be rotated by some multiple of90 degree such that the orientation looks right - e.g. if your device is held in portrait, the resultant image/video willbe in portrait. This option allows fixing the camera to either be in portrait or landscape. Note that ifauto-level is also enabled, it will have the effect of aligning photos to the nearest90 degrees.

Open Camera also comes with two widgets that can bedisplayed on the lock screen(requires Android 4.2 or later - but lock screen widgets are no longer available in Android 5 or later).The "Open Camera" widget launches the app; the "Take Photo" widget will also automatically takea photo. Note that if you have a PIN lock etc, you'll have to unlock even if "Show camera when locked"is enabled.

Why doesn't Open Camera support dual / multiple cameras? - Open Camera supports cameras that are made available to third party applications, although you may need to set Settings/"Camera API" to "Camera2 API". When using Camera2 API. many devices expose multiple cameras via the zoom - zooming out to less than 1x switches to the ultra-wide camera, zooming in automatically switches to the telephoto when required. On other devices, the cameras can be manually switched by using the switch multi-camera icon. Note that some devices don't allow third party applications to use their extra cameras, either via zoom or by explicitly switching to the camera. In such cases Open Camera cannot access them.

Why does the resolution of my photos not match the specified camera resolution? - This happens ifauto-level is enabled. The image is rotated to be level, which means theresolution (and aspect-ratio) will change.

Why is auto-level for photos only? - Doing auto-level for video is a massively harderproblem. This wouldn't be possible in real-time - rotating images causes a noticeable pause as it is, imaginehaving to do that for every frame. Also the rotation angle wouldn't be constant, so it's a much harder problemfiguring out what the correct result should actually be.

Why doesn't Open Camera's HDR photos look as good as other HDR photos I see? - Firstly, see the previous question.Beyond that, many HDR photos you see on the Internet may have been manually processed in HDR software that allows theuser to tweak settings for optimal results for a given image. Such photos may have had additional processing done. OpenCamera's HDR algorithm tries to get the best results for most purposes automatically, but isn't going to beat manualediting.

Stampers are a great way to quickly put information or an image on paper. Unfortunately, if you use your stamper a lot, it's going to run out of ink at some point. Instead of buying a whole new stamper, just get a bottle of refill ink and fill the stamper yourself! You can do this for pre-inked stampers that flash the information or image through an impression area in the stamp, or for self-inking stampers, which automatically re-ink the rubber stamp in between uses. be457b7860

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