MAMP PRO is the commercial, professional frontend for the classic local server environment: MAMP. With MAMP PRO you can create a separate host for each of your web projects. You can install WordPress and other Extras like Joomla or Drupal with just a few clicks. This is just a small part of what you can do with MAMP PRO.

MAMP is a free, local server environment that can be installed under macOS and Windows with just a few clicks. MAMP provides them with all the tools they need to run WordPress on their desktop PC for testing or development purposes, for example. You can even easily test your projects on mobile devices. It does not matter whether you prefer the web server Apache or Nginx in addition to MySQL as database server, or whether you want to work with PHP, Python, Perl or Ruby.

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I am using MAMP Pro on my Mac which is great for development. I do have a problem though. It seems that MAMP Pro is very relaxed with my coding. If I make an error it just ignores it and continues to render the page without displaying any error messages.

After reading the links to Xdebug on the docs, I embarked on a long trek to download and compile Xdebug from source, configure it with the version of PHP installed on my system (php7), and then it proceeded to keep failing when I tried to have the PHP thread talk back to the debugger.

So now I have the issue where I want one page to capture the contents of another.. I initially tried using cURL and it was failing without giving me any exceptions, and no information using curl_error() so I switched over to file_get_contents() where I get the exception SSL operation failed with code 1... ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed

Now, if you're running a local development server with MAMP and have self-signed SSL enabled, you should now be able to make the SSL calls back to the server itself, and have the server trust.... itself? I guess? Weird when you think about it!

As a final note, if you had visited any other similar questions here on SO, you would've seen many answers prompt you to create either a stream context with get_file_contents() or set some options with your cURL resource that suggested turning "verify_peer" => false & "verify_peer_name" => false in a stream context, or the equivalent options for cURL. I cannot stress enough that the approach completely defeats the purpose of SSL and shouldn't even be used for local development, due to the possibility of you forgetting to turn it back on or some other obscure event that causes trust to remain off within production.

Just Getting Started with WordPress? I write a lot about WordPress development but if you're just getting started, I recommend checking out WPBeginner. They have free training videos, glossary, and more.

I have followed the instructions for this article ( -backups-in-craft-3-with-mamp) to get local backups working with MAMP. However, when I attempt a backup, I get this error: exit code 127: sh: mysqldump: command not found.

So I am not sure if I need to do anything else to enable it, it seems to be enabled based on the code above. I googled around and could not find any specific documentation with regard to MAMP and PHP OPcode caching.

Im trying to set up a local development environment for me to work on a Wordpress multisite that Im building. I use Mamp Pro with default ports (Apache: 80, MySQL: 3306), and I also added a new host with the same domain name as the page will have when going live. So, now when I go to I get to my development page, and database entries seem to use the same url as it should when going live as well. Enabling multisite from here was no problem, but Im struggling to get Wildcard subdomains to work.

1 The folder etc is at the root of your HD and it's hidden. You can open the file using TextMate or with your FTP client (enabling Show hidden files). It can also be done with the Terminal, but I don't use it for that and you'll have to search How To...

Some of the software packages that comprise MAMP (particularly Apache and PHP) are pre-installed with macOS; compatible versions of the remainder are readily available for installation and use.[2] MAMP is commonly used with and to develop for popular CMS programs such as WordPress and Drupal by setting up a local development environment on laptop or desktop computers, without the need for a standalone web server.[3]

How does Django deal with XSS, Cross Site Forging, and sanitizing GET, POST, SESSION, COOKIE and other incoming data? How does it handle/deal with SQL Injections? Does it do it automatically? Can someone clarify the security measures put in by Django?

Yes. But things are slightly different then PHP. mod_php loads PHP script from disk and parses it on evert page access/request (accelerators change this, of course). While Python works like this: code is loaded into memory when web server is started and you need to restart the web server in order to change this. There are work arounds with fastcgi that even work in shared/cpanel enviroment. As for development machine Django comes with its own development web server. And you can also configure Apache for development, of course.

Django has a number of features to deal with these, but I suggest you go through its documentation for more details. For example it has forms, which is a simple way to create and handle forms which deals with many attack vectors usually performed through forms.

I am used to using MAMP with apache, myphp developing themes with WordPress.

I really like the idea of not using .php with Frontity, but im curious if I could link the WP localhost dashboard using MAMP with frontity to design and develop a theme. can anyone explain and shed a light with this?

I like using MAMP (Mac Apache MySQL PHP) to develop server-based code when not connected to a test server, and one of my classes in school had several projects where we use PHP and MySQL, so this short piece is on the basics of configuring and using Eclipse Helios to write the PHP code and MAMP to provide server-side functionality on your computer to create a basic PHP application.

Php-fpm is a separate service....when working with Apache the 'traditional' convention was to use mod_php, which would basically inject Php into the Apache process with that setup, you only needed to start/restart/stop Apache and everything would be good....when working with Php-fpm, the webserver handles the incoming request on port 80/443 (unless you have things in front of that...load balancer, Varnish, etc) ... but the webserver passes off this request to Php-fpm ... without Php-fpm installed your webserver, nginx in this case, won't have anything to pass the request to.

I was earlier using MAMP and Now switched to MAMP PRO. I used to use MAMP mysql as root default user and having lots off database as that user. If i start MAMP and go to terminal with mysql command and do show databases; then it show me all databases. But if i start MAMP PRO and goto terminal and do show databases; then it show me only 4 databases mysql, information_schema, performance_schema and one db which is common for both MAMP and MAMP PRO. How can i use those existing DB on MAMP under MAMP PRO.

Using MAMP Pro I have an offline/local EE site setup. An htaccess file is set up in the root of the local domain site with the standard remove index.php script implemented (as shown in the offical ExpressionEngine documentation).

I actually managed to fix the issue myself luckily! Basically it was the php level. It was loading 7.3 which doesnt seem to work with Magento2. Managed to change the level on the preferences tab. Feel like such a noob ha

I assume it is an issue with htacess/apache writing urls but I cant figure it out. I am using PHP 7.1.3 on MAMP. Cant believe the struggle I have had so far just installing this on my localhost Can anyone shed any light? Thanks again

If you want to extend the error-free experience to your live site, consider hosting it with Kinsta. Our Application Hosting, Database Hosting, and Managed WordPress hosting plans ensure that your website is always available when your users need it.

@trevorpan that GalleryPage extends Page\Page part should just be GalleryPage extends Page because Page should be in the global namespace (i.e. not namespaced). I think an exercise that would be useful for you is to separately install a fresh version of SS4 from the installer. That will give you a local example to look at and compare which has the Page class and config files etc. set up using SS4 conventions. Not sure what has happened with your pasted code either - did you escape it with backticks?

For completeness, I have copied quotes for another line, re-uploaded the zip file and used the original quotes. I have tried every possible scenario to put your fear of bad single quotes to rest. Understanding a thing or two about unicode, I feel comfortable telling you all the colours are the same and the quotes are the exact same ones you sent, were used and reside on the repository.

For too long now I have put off the chore of getting my local development environment set up in a way that would allow me to use Git to push my code directly to SiteGround. I had tried in the past but always ended up hitting a stumbling block somewhere along the way. There is a great tutorial on the process by my friends at 9seeds, that I used as a starting point. But, as I'm a big fan of doing, I wanted to blog about my specific process so that I could refer back to it when I need to do it again. be457b7860

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