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Watching what you eat, exercising, and lifestyle changes are a part of weight loss programs:

Watching what you eat, exercising, and lifestyle changes are a part of weight loss programs. However, after losing the initial weight with these changes it is often observed that further weight loss becomes a challenge. No matter what one tries there is no further weight loss. This is what is called as weight loss plateau which can be frustrating as even meticulously planned low calorie diets can stall the process of weight loss.

Hitting a weight loss plateau is not unusual; in fact it is very common when on a diet. There are several reasons why one hits this plateau. Initial weight loss is usually water loss. As one loses more weight, along with fat some muscle is also lost. Hence as one loses muscle weight, the metabolism also slows down resulting in burning fewer calories than what you were burning when you were at your initial weight. This means that to lose the calories further one has to either eat fewer calories or expend more through physical activity.

Weight loss is really hard to maintain and every individual has to walk their own path and experience their journey. Breaking weight loss plateau especially with hectic schedules is difficult. There are many factors that go into losing weight and keeping it off thereafter. These include one's sleeping pattern, stress levels, daily routine, body composition and the overall health factors. All this makes every weight loss program a very unique experience for every individual.


Watch your carbohydrate intake: Although carbohydrates are important, some restriction assists in weight loss. When carbohydrates are restricted in the diet, chances of fats being used to burn more calories is high.

Increase exercise intensity and / or frequency: To rev up your metabolism, rev up your exercise. Exercise, especially strength training, helps in increasing muscle mass which revs up the metabolism which in turn helps in shedding pounds quickly. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) or any other aerobic based exercise is also effective in weight loss. Don't forget to think about your pre workout carbs and post work out proteins here.

Maintain a food diary: Generally, people's thought process is that even though they are eating less they are not able to lose weight. Research however suggests that people generally underestimate the quantity of food they eat. Keeping a track of what one eats helps one know in general the intake of calories and other macronutrients. The trackers available online can help keep a track.

Keep a watch on the protein intake: Protein foods help in reducing appetite and makes a person feel full for longer hours. Protein also helps prevent muscle mass loss from the body thereby keeping the metabolism revved up. Spread your protein intake throughout the day.

Increase fibre intake: High fibre intake helps to break the weight loss plateau. It slows down the movement of the food through your digestive tract which results in satiety for longer duration. It eventually helps in decreases the intake of total calories.

Think your drink: Your drink, alcohol or a sugary beverage may be one of the major reasons for slowing down your weight loss journey. They do not provide any nutritional value and just add empty calories to your diet. With alcohol, often wrong food choices are made which can just add up to the total calorie intake. Some research also suggests that excess alcohol intake can lead to belly fat accumulation.

Sleep peacefully: Sleep is a very important aspect of our life. It affects our emotional, psychological and physical health. For better results in weight loss one should at least get undisturbed sleep of 7-8 hours at night. Sleep results in a good metabolic rate and balances the hormones that promote hunger and satiety.

Manage Stress: Today, the hectic and competitive lifestyle brings in stress. Stress can restrict further weight loss. Stress increases body's production of cortisol a hormone which leads to overeating. Increased levels of cortisol cause high insulin levels, wherein the blood sugar levels drop and one craves for foods that are high in sugar and fat. This in turn increases the central obesity where there is belly fat storage. This is mostly seen in women than men. Therefore, producing too much of cortisol hinders weight loss. However, learning to reduce stress can promote weight loss. Yoga - deep breathing and muscle relaxation can help in managing stress.

Be optimistic: Any activity done with doubts and negative feeling will never give positive results. Having faith, positive thoughts and good vibes will help in achieving. The mind and body are psychologically connected. So, if the scale does not reflect progress, don't lose heart and stop working towards your weight loss goals. If your clothes fit better and you feel energetic, it means you are working in the right direction. There may be fat loss from your body.

Getting demoralized when there is a weight loss plateau can be a challenge in any weight loss program. However, one needs to keep in mind that they happen to almost everyone whether during the weight loss journey or during weight management programs. There are various strategies that can be worked out with various nutritionists for weight loss in Mumbai to not stay with the plateau and be frustrated