Hi, i tried in the past and now to run a JP windows xp sp3 & even 7 (without service pack 1) vm to play older region locked japanese visual novels. But the japanese windows's don't work properly in virtual box... Just to clarify, using a regular EN version of Windows XP everything works fine, but when using a JP version of windows things are broken, such as:

I'm trying to finish setting up bootcamp on my macbook pro, but I decided to order it with the Japanese (also english though) keyboard layout. Bootcamp thinks it's a US keyboard layout so alot of the symbols and special characters don't work (" should be shift 2, @ should have it's own key). In addition the english key to the left of the space bar should switch input to english, as the kana to the right should switch to kana. So I was wondering if anyone had a solution, and so far I've already tried installing a recommended (from a forum on how to do this) keyboard, Fujitsu 109 Japanese USB keyboard, which someone showed working, special characters and english and kana keys were all working fine. However it still functions like a US layout keyboard (but I have a japanese one) after I installed the Fujitsu driver. It'd be really nice if this could be fixed, thanks guys.

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Make sure you make Japanese>Microsoft IME your default and ONLY keyboard layout (if you're going for Japanese and English), and then if you haven't even installed Bootcamp yet, just make sure on install (windows-side, not mac side) make sure you use Language - English, Keyboard Layout - Japanese (Not sure if that step matters but just to be on the safe side ^^ ).

In addition, by default, the IME has the Eisuu (key set to something else, so to use the Eisuu key to toggle English, go to Control Panel>Region and Language>Keyboards and Languages>Change Keyboards>Microsoft IME>Properties>Editing>Key Template>Advanced and scroll down to the Eisuu key, click assign, and click yes on the dialogue. In addition, scroll down to the Romaji () key and click on assign, and assign it to your Kana key. This way, your Kana key will switch from English to your last used Kana input method (either Romaji - typing with an English keyboard, where a = a (); or Kana - Japanese keyboard layout, where a = chi ().Click ok to to exit out of the windows you opened up and you're all set.

There are two problems with this setting though. One is aesthetic, the defaultsystem font becomes a font that supports Japanese and in non unicode Japanesethe character / becomes . That can be confusing since all paths almostanywhere in Windows will now have that symbol instead of . For exampleC:\windows\system32 becomes c:windowssystem32.

In my first attempt I seem to remember writing about the similarities to traditional shoji paper windows and in both cases the aim being, in typical Japanese style, as much to stop you inconveniencing others by looking into their gardens and houses as to stop them looking into your living room (especially if you live in an apaato which your neighbours built in their garden to get some extra cash). With this attempt I want to go a bit deeper, and as is often the case the insight (if it is that!) was prompted by asking the opposite question- Why do we only put frosted windows in our bathrooms?

So, I've been following VNs and the community for almost 6 years now. During my initial years as a VN reader, I had a laptop with windows 7 in it, and I never ever had any problem regarding Japanese VNs. Just with a quick search on google I realised I need to set my locale to Japanese, and I did. But you know, some visual novels out there need an extra setting: Date and time format I think it's called? Well, when I came across those VNs, I again did a quick google search and found the solution to my problem.

The laptop I talked about earlier with windows 7 broke a year and a half ago, so I got a brand new one with windows 10 in it. As I said in the title, my problem most likely has something to do with this new windows 10. The problem is that changing the format doesn't seem to have the effect that it should. Changing the format changes nothing. Some VNs are not running at all because of it, and the Japanese in the error boxes or the dialogue boxes or whatever they are called doesn't display: it's gibberish. Just to make sure, I changed not only the system locale and the format to Japanese, but all the "things" about my PC that I could: windows display language, date, clock, region, everything I could find. Of course, I have no knowledge of CS, so it was just a wild, random action on my part. It did no good.

This one VN that's having problem in my pc runs perfectly fine in my brother's 8 years old laptop (I just checked) with windows 7 in it. All I had to do was change the locale and the format to Japanese.

If so, I just came across the same problem. I know you said you changed the "windows display language, date, clock, region, everything I could find," but I found that changing the region very specifically fixed the issue, so I just want to make sure you did that properly. Your region in Windows 10 should look exactly like this:

Actually, yes and no. The "gibberish" is the same, but the "placement" is wrong. The actual text of the novel and the title on the upper-left corner of the game window do show fine FOR THE VNs THAT DO RUN. The problem is, let's say, you click on the close window button on the upper-right corner. In this case, you would see a box pop up asking you if you really want to quit, right? So the text in that box would show like that "gibbberish". This and sometimes it happens that the text in the game setup windows/boxes would be unreadable (like, all of it). And you know how sometimes the setup finds an error during installation and tells you about it? In all those error boxes and message boxes, the text is like that "gibberish". Please note again that here I'm talking about a few novels which did run on my new pc. Some aren't running at all, presumably because of the same underlying problem. You see, the small issues which I've highlighted above shouldn't matter all that much in the long run; they are irritating yes but as long as I can read the main text of the novel, I'm cool. But the real issue seems much deeper than that, and it's affecting a lot of things.

Just to make sure, I'll do it again. But like I said, I've done it many times already. Like I said, my brother's old windows 7 laptop did not have this issue to begin with. All I did there was change the locale and the date format.

But I'll give an example: recently, I installed the VN "Hyakki Ryouran no Yakata". Long story short, I have two laptops, ok? I tried installing the said VN in both of these laptops to check if my problem is specific to my windows 10 laptop or if it occurs in the windows 7 laptop as well.

It's basically unreadable but anyone would say that they are different errors, right? And unlike with windows 7, it isn't resolved even when I change my date/time settings to Japanese. I should add (again) that yes, my system locale is in Japanese.

In Japanese architecture, the role of windows is not only for lighting or ventilation, but also for enjoying the view from them. Cutting out a piece of the scenery with a window, this is a unique way of enjoying nature. The view from the window is compared to a real picture and help to make architecture complete.

From the beautiful cherry blossoms in Spring, to the lively green trees in Summer, the various colored leaves in Autumn to the quietness of snow falling in Winter.

To feel each season through Japanese windows is the perfect way to enjoy nature.

These separated windows divide the view into four different scenes. Each window cuts out a different part of the same scene, but the impression of each is completely different when set apart like this.

I am by no means a professional with computers, I just wanted to share my experience so that anyone that is struggling with Japanese and the Colemak keyboard can have yet another approach to enable them (and myself whenever I forget) to write in japanese with a colemak keyboard.

The main motivation behind this post is that, all the other approaches that I have been able to find are, either short responses to user queries that redirect you somewhere, or approaches that I found somewhat inconvenient due to the fact that I have a custom colemak layout (ES colemak with Caps as Backspace) that I wanted to keep when writing in japanese.

4. Now search for your current colemak keyboard layout, it is usually one of the last folders and starts with an "a" instead of a 0 (windows keyboards: 00000XXX, custom 

 keyboards: aXXXXXXX)

 (You must have installed colemak in some other language for this to work).

6. After that navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\00000411

 Make sure that the folder 00000411 corresponds to japanese (on the field layout text it should say Japanese and the layout file should be KBDJPN.DLL)

So far I've been using the remapping on the windows registry, and it worked just fine, untill some days ago when an update changed back the .dll file to the original japanese keyboard layout. But I'm remapping again :)

create any text file, input the text above and rename it to .reg

1.b if you are afraid of unknown changes (you should be) you can generate the .reg file yourself:

go to japanese keyboard layout in regedit as shown in the tutorial above and click file -> export -> name your new reg file and click save. Then right click on the .reg file -> edit and leave only the Windows text line, [{PATH}] line and "Layout File" line to replace only the Layout file(edit contents ow the Layout file line with your colemak.dll name.

2. no colemak during inputing hiragana fix

I had to also set use previous windows IME version to true in Settings -> Time & Language -> Language -> Japanese -> Options -> Microsoft IME (under Keyboards) -> Options -> General -> switch Use previous version of Microsoft IME to ON (under Compatibility)

to have colemak layout when inputting hiragana with romaji, otherwise only the keyboard when japanese input was turned off was switched to colemak. e24fc04721

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