Japanese Zen Meditation Lab
Release / Discography
Single / EP
"Japanese Zen Meditation Lab" is a music unit that crossovers the tones, scales, and melodies of classical and traditional Japanese instruments such as shakuhachi, koto, shamisen, biwa, ryuteki, and wadaiko with chill, ambient meditation music at a comfortable BPM.
The music, which can be described as Japanese healing, invites you into a Japanese Zen world, with the tasteful shakuhachi flute singing emotionally over a background music with creative sound design and mixing based on modern interpretations.
Oriental, ethnic, and exotic, as well as emotional, nostalgic, and melancholy, are the worldviews that intersect in these works.
Ideal for relaxation, meditation, yoga, spa, mindfulness, deep sleep, music therapy, concentration improvement, background music, etc.
「Japanese Zen Meditation Lab」は、尺八、箏、三味線、琵琶、龍笛、和太鼓など日本の古典的、伝統的な和楽器の音色、音階、旋律等と、チルでアンビエントなヒーリングミュージックを、心地よいBPMでクロスオーバーさせる音楽ユニット。自然音やシンギングボウル等もフィーチャーした独創的なサウンドデザイン、一円相にも通じるミニマリズム、禅的な精神統一の世界へ誘う「和の癒し」、音を通じてアプローチするカタルシスなど複合的な世界観が交錯する独自の「音の宇宙」を展開。瞑想、リラクゼーション、ヨガ、スパ、マインドフルネス、快眠/睡眠導入、音楽セラピー、集中力向上(作業用BGM/勉強用BGM)など、リラックスタイムの和風なBGMに最適です。