For an updated h-index and citation count, please see my Google Scholar profile. As of late-2015, I've complied with the philosophy of green open access by depositing all manuscripts on the arXiv preprint server prior to submitting them for peer review (arXiv profile).
37. Kjeldal, F. Ø.; Eriksen, J. J.*: Transferability of Atom-Based Neural Networks
36. Zamok, L.; Eriksen, J. J.*: Atomic Decompositions of Periodic Electronic-Structure Simulations
Peer-Reviewed Articles
35. Greiner, J.; Gauss, J.; Eriksen, J. J.*: Exploiting Non-Abelian Point-Group Symmetry to Estimate the Exact Ground-State Correlation Energy of Benzene in a Polarized Split-Valence Triple-Zeta Basis Set
34. Greiner, J.; Gauss, J.*; Eriksen, J. J.*: Error Control and Automatic Detection of Reference Active Spaces in Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction
33. Greiner, J.; Gianni, I.; Nottoli, T.; Lipparini, F.*; Eriksen, J. J.*; Gauss, J.*: MBE-CASSCF Approach for the Accurate Treatment of Large Active Spaces
32. Kjeldal, F. Ø.; Eriksen, J. J.*: Properties of Local Electronic Structures
31. Greiner, J.; Eriksen, J. J.*: Symmetrization of Localized Molecular Orbitals [JPC Special Issue “Early-Career and Emerging Researchers in Physical Chemistry Volume 2”]
30. Kjeldal, F. Ø.; Eriksen, J. J.*: Decomposing Chemical Space: Applications to the Machine Learning of Atomic Energies
29. Eriksen, J. J.*: Electronic Excitations Through the Prism of Mean-Field Decomposition Techniques [JCP Communiation, 2022 JCP Emerging Investigators Special Collection]
28. Eriksen, J. J.*: Decomposed Mean-Field Simulations of Local Properties in Condensed Phases
27. Eriksen, J. J.*; Gauss, J.: Incremental Treatments of the Full Configuration Interaction Problem [Invited Review]
26. Eriksen, J. J.*: The Shape of Full Configuration Interaction to Come [Invited Perspective]
25. Eriksen, J. J.*: Mean-Field Density Matrix Decompositions [2020 JCP Emerging Investigators Special Collection]
24. Eriksen, J. J.*; Gauss, J.: Ground and Excited State First-Order Properties in Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction Theory
23. Eriksen, J. J.*; Anderson, T. A.; Deustua, J. E.; Ghanem, K.; Hait, D.; Hoffmann, M. R.; Lee, S.; Levine, D. S.; Magoulas, I.; Shen, J.; Tubman, N. M.; Whaley, K. B.; Xu, E.; Yao, Y.; Zhang, N.; Alavi, A.*; Chan, G. K.-L.*; Head-Gordon, M.*; Liu, W.*; Piecuch, P.*; Sharma, S.*; Ten-no, S. L.*; Umrigar, C. J.*; Gauss, J.*: The Ground State Electronic Energy of Benzene
22. Sun, Q.; Zhang, X.; Banerjee, S.; Bao, P.; Barbry, M.; Blunt, N. S.; Bogdanov, N. A.; Booth, G. H.; Chen, J.; Cui, Z.-H.; Eriksen, J. J.; Gao, Y.; Guo, S.; Hermann, J.; Hermes, M. R.; Koh, K.; Koval, P.; Lehtola, S.; Li, Z.; Liu, J.; Mardirossian, N.; McClain, J. D.; Motta, M.; Mussard, B.; Pham, H. Q.; Pulkin, A.; Purwanto, W.; Robinson, P. J.; Ronca, E.; Sayfutyarova, E.; Scheurer, M.; Schurkus, H. F.; Smith, J. E. T.; Sun, C.; Sun, S.-N.; Upadhyay, S.; Wagner, L. K.; Wang, X.; White, A.; Whitfield, J. D.; Williamson, M. J.; Wouters, S.; Yang, J.; Yu, J. M.; Zhu, T.; Berkelbach, T. C.; Sharma, S.; Sokolov, A.; Chan, G. K.-L.*: Recent Developments in the PySCF Program Package
21. Eriksen, J. J.*; Gauss, J.: Generalized Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction Theory
20. Eriksen, J. J.*; Gauss, J.: Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction. II. Strongly Correlated Regime
19. Eriksen, J. J.*; Gauss, J.: Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction. I. Weakly Correlated Regime
18. Eriksen, J. J.*; Lipparini, F.; Gauss, J.: Virtual Orbital Many-Body Expansions: A Possible Route Towards the Full Configuration Interaction Limit
17. Eriksen, J. J.*: Efficient and Portable Acceleration of Quantum Chemical Many-Body Methods in Mixed Floating Point Precision using OpenACC Compiler Directives
16. Kjærgaard, T.*; Baudin, P.; Bykov, D.; Eriksen, J. J.; Ettenhuber, P.; Kristensen, K.; Larkin, J.; Liakh, D.; Pawlowski, F.; Vose, A.; Wang, Y. M.; Jørgensen, P.: Massively Parallel and Linear-Scaling Algorithm for Second-Order Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theory Applied to the Study of Supramolecular Wires
15. Eriksen, J. J.*; Kristensen, K.; Matthews, D. A.; Jørgensen, P.; Olsen, J.: Convergence of Coupled Cluster Perturbation Theory
14. Kristensen, K.*; Eriksen, J. J.*; Matthews, D. A.; Olsen, J.; Jørgensen, P.: A View on Coupled Cluster Perturbation Theory Using a Bivariational Lagrangian Formulation
13. Eriksen, J. J.*; Matthews, D. A.; Jørgensen, P.; Gauss, J.: Assessment of the Accuracy of Coupled Cluster Perturbation Theory for Open-Shell Systems. II. Quadruples Expansions
12. Eriksen, J. J.*; Matthews, D. A.; Jørgensen, P.; Gauss, J.: Assessment of the Accuracy of Coupled Cluster Perturbation Theory for Open-Shell Systems. I. Triples Expansions
11. Kristensen, K.*; Ettenhuber, P.; Eriksen, J. J.; Jensen, F.; Jørgensen, P.: The Same Number of Optimized Parameters Scheme for Determining Intermolecular Interaction Energies
10. Eriksen, J. J.*; Baudin, P.; Ettenhuber, P.; Kristensen, K.; Kjærgaard, T.; Jørgensen, P.: Linear-Scaling Coupled Cluster with Perturbative Triple Excitations: The Divide-Expand-Consolidate CCSD(T) Model
9. Eriksen, J. J.*; Matthews, D. A.; Jørgensen, P.; Gauss, J.: The Performance of Non-Iterative Coupled Cluster Quadruples Models [JCP Communication]
8. Eriksen, J. J.*; Jørgensen, P.; Gauss, J.: On the Convergence of Perturbative Coupled Cluster Triples Expansions: Error Cancellations in the CCSD(T) Model and the Importance of Amplitude Relaxation
7. Eriksen, J. J.*; Jørgensen, P.; Olsen, J.; Gauss, J.: Equation-of-Motion Coupled Cluster Perturbation Theory Revisited
6. Eriksen, J. J.*; Kristensen, K.; Kjærgaard, T.; Jørgensen, P.; Gauss, J.: A Lagrangian Framework for Deriving Triples and Quadruples Corrections to the CCSD Energy
5. Aidas, K.; Angeli, C.; Bak, K. L.; Bakken, V.; Bast, R.; Boman, L.; Christiansen, O.; Cimiraglia, R.; Coriani, S.; Dahle, P.; Dalskov, E. K.; Ekström, U.; Enevoldsen, T.; Eriksen, J. J.; Ettenhuber, P.; Fernández, B.; Ferrighi, L.; Fliegl, H.; Frediani, L.; Hald, K.; Halkier, A.; Hättig, C.; Heiberg, H.; Helgaker, T.*; Hennum, A. C.; Hettema, H.; Hjertenæs, E.; Høst, S.; Høyvik, I.-M.; Iozzi, M. F.; Jansik, B.; Jensen, H. J. Aa.; Jonsson, D.; Jørgensen, P.; Kauczor, J.; Kirpekar, S.; Kjærgaard, T.; Klopper, W.; Knecht, S.; Kobayashi, R.; Koch, H.; Kongsted, J.; Krapp, A.; Kristensen, K.; Ligabue, A.; Lutnæs, O. B.; Melo, J. I.; Mikkelsen, K. V.; Myhre, R. H.; Neiss, C.; Nielsen, C. B.; Norman, P.; Olsen, J.; Olsen, J. M. H.; Osted, A.; Packer, M. J.; Pawlowski, F.; Pedersen, T. B.; Provasi, P. F.; Reine, S.; Rinkevicius, Z.; Ruden, T. A.; Ruud, K.; Rybkin, V. V.; Salek, P.; Samson, C. C. M.; de Merás, A. S.; Saue, T.; Sauer, S. P. A.; Schimmelpfennig, B.; Sneskov, K.; Steindal, A. H.; Sylvester-Hvid, K. O.; Taylor, P. R.; Teale, A. M.; Tellgren, E. I.; Tew, D. P.; Thorvaldsen, A. J.; Thøgersen, L.; Vahtras, O.; Watson, M. A.; Wilson, D. J. D.; Ziolkowski, M.; Ågren, H.: The Dalton Quantum Chemistry Program System
4. Eriksen, J. J.*; Solanko, L. M.; Nåbo, L. J.; Wüstner, D.; Sauer, S. P. A..; Kongsted, J.: The Second-Order Polarization Propagator Approximation (SOPPA) Method Coupled to the Polarizable Continuum Model
3. Eriksen, J. J.*; Sauer, S. P. A..; Mikkelsen, K. V.; Christiansen, O.; Jensen, H.-J. Aa.; Kongsted, J.: Failures of TDDFT in Describing the Lowest Intramolecular Charge-Transfer Excitation in para-Nitroaniline
2. Eriksen, J. J.*; Sauer, S. P. A..; Mikkelsen, K. V.; Jensen, H.-J. Aa.; Kongsted, J.: On the Importance of Excited State Dynamic Response Electron Correlation in Polarizable Embedding Methods
1. Eriksen, J. J.; Olsen, J. M.; Aidas, K.; Ågren, H.; Mikkelsen, K. V.; Kongsted, J.*: Computational Protocols for Prediction of Solute NMR Relative Chemical Shifts. A Case Study of L-Tryptophan in Aqueous Solution
Book Chapters
1. Eriksen, J. J.*: Incrementally Accelerating the RI-MP2 Correlated Method of Electronic Structure Theory Using OpenACC Compiler Directives. In Parallel Programming with OpenACC, Ed.: Farber, R., Morgan Kaufmann (2016)
Miscellaneous (Not Peer-Reviewed)
Eriksen, J. J.*; Stopkowicz, S.; Jagau, T.-C.; Helgaker, T.: Foreword: Prof. Gauss Festschrift
Eriksen, J. J.*: Nomadic Tales, a Contributed Essay in C&EN Magazine on Postdoc Experiences.
Gauss, J.*, Eriksen, J. J.: The Future of the Electron Correlation Problem: What About Full Configuration Interaction?
In Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry, Oberwolfach Reports, 13/2018, DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2018/13
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