For an updated h-index and citation count, please see my Google Scholar profile. As of late-2015, I've complied with the philosophy of green open access by depositing all manuscripts on the arXiv preprint server prior to submitting them for peer review (arXiv profile).
None at the moment.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
37. Kjeldal, F. Ø.; Eriksen, J. J.*: Transferability of Atom-Based Neural Networks
36. Zamok, L.; Eriksen, J. J.*: Atomic Decompositions of Periodic Electronic-Structure Simulations
35. Greiner, J.; Gauss, J.; Eriksen, J. J.*: Exploiting Non-Abelian Point-Group Symmetry to Estimate the Exact Ground-State Correlation Energy of Benzene in a Polarized Split-Valence Triple-Zeta Basis Set
34. Greiner, J.; Gauss, J.*; Eriksen, J. J.*: Error Control and Automatic Detection of Reference Active Spaces in Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction
33. Greiner, J.; Gianni, I.; Nottoli, T.; Lipparini, F.*; Eriksen, J. J.*; Gauss, J.*: MBE-CASSCF Approach for the Accurate Treatment of Large Active Spaces
32. Kjeldal, F. Ø.; Eriksen, J. J.*: Properties of Local Electronic Structures
31. Greiner, J.; Eriksen, J. J.*: Symmetrization of Localized Molecular Orbitals [JPC Special Issue “Early-Career and Emerging Researchers in Physical Chemistry Volume 2”]
30. Kjeldal, F. Ø.; Eriksen, J. J.*: Decomposing Chemical Space: Applications to the Machine Learning of Atomic Energies
29. Eriksen, J. J.*: Electronic Excitations Through the Prism of Mean-Field Decomposition Techniques [JCP Communiation, 2022 JCP Emerging Investigators Special Collection]
28. Eriksen, J. J.*: Decomposed Mean-Field Simulations of Local Properties in Condensed Phases
27. Eriksen, J. J.*; Gauss, J.: Incremental Treatments of the Full Configuration Interaction Problem [Invited Review]
26. Eriksen, J. J.*: The Shape of Full Configuration Interaction to Come [Invited Perspective]
25. Eriksen, J. J.*: Mean-Field Density Matrix Decompositions [2020 JCP Emerging Investigators Special Collection]
24. Eriksen, J. J.*; Gauss, J.: Ground and Excited State First-Order Properties in Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction Theory
23. Eriksen, J. J.*; Anderson, T. A.; Deustua, J. E.; Ghanem, K.; Hait, D.; Hoffmann, M. R.; Lee, S.; Levine, D. S.; Magoulas, I.; Shen, J.; Tubman, N. M.; Whaley, K. B.; Xu, E.; Yao, Y.; Zhang, N.; Alavi, A.*; Chan, G. K.-L.*; Head-Gordon, M.*; Liu, W.*; Piecuch, P.*; Sharma, S.*; Ten-no, S. L.*; Umrigar, C. J.*; Gauss, J.*: The Ground State Electronic Energy of Benzene
22. Sun, Q.; Zhang, X.; Banerjee, S.; Bao, P.; Barbry, M.; Blunt, N. S.; Bogdanov, N. A.; Booth, G. H.; Chen, J.; Cui, Z.-H.; Eriksen, J. J.; Gao, Y.; Guo, S.; Hermann, J.; Hermes, M. R.; Koh, K.; Koval, P.; Lehtola, S.; Li, Z.; Liu, J.; Mardirossian, N.; McClain, J. D.; Motta, M.; Mussard, B.; Pham, H. Q.; Pulkin, A.; Purwanto, W.; Robinson, P. J.; Ronca, E.; Sayfutyarova, E.; Scheurer, M.; Schurkus, H. F.; Smith, J. E. T.; Sun, C.; Sun, S.-N.; Upadhyay, S.; Wagner, L. K.; Wang, X.; White, A.; Whitfield, J. D.; Williamson, M. J.; Wouters, S.; Yang, J.; Yu, J. M.; Zhu, T.; Berkelbach, T. C.; Sharma, S.; Sokolov, A.; Chan, G. K.-L.*: Recent Developments in the PySCF Program Package
21. Eriksen, J. J.*; Gauss, J.: Generalized Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction Theory
20. Eriksen, J. J.*; Gauss, J.: Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction. II. Strongly Correlated Regime
19. Eriksen, J. J.*; Gauss, J.: Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction. I. Weakly Correlated Regime
18. Eriksen, J. J.*; Lipparini, F.; Gauss, J.: Virtual Orbital Many-Body Expansions: A Possible Route Towards the Full Configuration Interaction Limit
17. Eriksen, J. J.*: Efficient and Portable Acceleration of Quantum Chemical Many-Body Methods in Mixed Floating Point Precision using OpenACC Compiler Directives
16. Kjærgaard, T.*; Baudin, P.; Bykov, D.; Eriksen, J. J.; Ettenhuber, P.; Kristensen, K.; Larkin, J.; Liakh, D.; Pawlowski, F.; Vose, A.; Wang, Y. M.; Jørgensen, P.: Massively Parallel and Linear-Scaling Algorithm for Second-Order Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theory Applied to the Study of Supramolecular Wires
15. Eriksen, J. J.*; Kristensen, K.; Matthews, D. A.; Jørgensen, P.; Olsen, J.: Convergence of Coupled Cluster Perturbation Theory
14. Kristensen, K.*; Eriksen, J. J.*; Matthews, D. A.; Olsen, J.; Jørgensen, P.: A View on Coupled Cluster Perturbation Theory Using a Bivariational Lagrangian Formulation
13. Eriksen, J. J.*; Matthews, D. A.; Jørgensen, P.; Gauss, J.: Assessment of the Accuracy of Coupled Cluster Perturbation Theory for Open-Shell Systems. II. Quadruples Expansions
12. Eriksen, J. J.*; Matthews, D. A.; Jørgensen, P.; Gauss, J.: Assessment of the Accuracy of Coupled Cluster Perturbation Theory for Open-Shell Systems. I. Triples Expansions
11. Kristensen, K.*; Ettenhuber, P.; Eriksen, J. J.; Jensen, F.; Jørgensen, P.: The Same Number of Optimized Parameters Scheme for Determining Intermolecular Interaction Energies
10. Eriksen, J. J.*; Baudin, P.; Ettenhuber, P.; Kristensen, K.; Kjærgaard, T.; Jørgensen, P.: Linear-Scaling Coupled Cluster with Perturbative Triple Excitations: The Divide-Expand-Consolidate CCSD(T) Model
9. Eriksen, J. J.*; Matthews, D. A.; Jørgensen, P.; Gauss, J.: The Performance of Non-Iterative Coupled Cluster Quadruples Models [JCP Communication]
8. Eriksen, J. J.*; Jørgensen, P.; Gauss, J.: On the Convergence of Perturbative Coupled Cluster Triples Expansions: Error Cancellations in the CCSD(T) Model and the Importance of Amplitude Relaxation
7. Eriksen, J. J.*; Jørgensen, P.; Olsen, J.; Gauss, J.: Equation-of-Motion Coupled Cluster Perturbation Theory Revisited
6. Eriksen, J. J.*; Kristensen, K.; Kjærgaard, T.; Jørgensen, P.; Gauss, J.: A Lagrangian Framework for Deriving Triples and Quadruples Corrections to the CCSD Energy
5. Aidas, K.; Angeli, C.; Bak, K. L.; Bakken, V.; Bast, R.; Boman, L.; Christiansen, O.; Cimiraglia, R.; Coriani, S.; Dahle, P.; Dalskov, E. K.; Ekström, U.; Enevoldsen, T.; Eriksen, J. J.; Ettenhuber, P.; Fernández, B.; Ferrighi, L.; Fliegl, H.; Frediani, L.; Hald, K.; Halkier, A.; Hättig, C.; Heiberg, H.; Helgaker, T.*; Hennum, A. C.; Hettema, H.; Hjertenæs, E.; Høst, S.; Høyvik, I.-M.; Iozzi, M. F.; Jansik, B.; Jensen, H. J. Aa.; Jonsson, D.; Jørgensen, P.; Kauczor, J.; Kirpekar, S.; Kjærgaard, T.; Klopper, W.; Knecht, S.; Kobayashi, R.; Koch, H.; Kongsted, J.; Krapp, A.; Kristensen, K.; Ligabue, A.; Lutnæs, O. B.; Melo, J. I.; Mikkelsen, K. V.; Myhre, R. H.; Neiss, C.; Nielsen, C. B.; Norman, P.; Olsen, J.; Olsen, J. M. H.; Osted, A.; Packer, M. J.; Pawlowski, F.; Pedersen, T. B.; Provasi, P. F.; Reine, S.; Rinkevicius, Z.; Ruden, T. A.; Ruud, K.; Rybkin, V. V.; Salek, P.; Samson, C. C. M.; de Merás, A. S.; Saue, T.; Sauer, S. P. A.; Schimmelpfennig, B.; Sneskov, K.; Steindal, A. H.; Sylvester-Hvid, K. O.; Taylor, P. R.; Teale, A. M.; Tellgren, E. I.; Tew, D. P.; Thorvaldsen, A. J.; Thøgersen, L.; Vahtras, O.; Watson, M. A.; Wilson, D. J. D.; Ziolkowski, M.; Ågren, H.: The Dalton Quantum Chemistry Program System
4. Eriksen, J. J.*; Solanko, L. M.; Nåbo, L. J.; Wüstner, D.; Sauer, S. P. A..; Kongsted, J.: The Second-Order Polarization Propagator Approximation (SOPPA) Method Coupled to the Polarizable Continuum Model
3. Eriksen, J. J.*; Sauer, S. P. A..; Mikkelsen, K. V.; Christiansen, O.; Jensen, H.-J. Aa.; Kongsted, J.: Failures of TDDFT in Describing the Lowest Intramolecular Charge-Transfer Excitation in para-Nitroaniline
2. Eriksen, J. J.*; Sauer, S. P. A..; Mikkelsen, K. V.; Jensen, H.-J. Aa.; Kongsted, J.: On the Importance of Excited State Dynamic Response Electron Correlation in Polarizable Embedding Methods
1. Eriksen, J. J.; Olsen, J. M.; Aidas, K.; Ågren, H.; Mikkelsen, K. V.; Kongsted, J.*: Computational Protocols for Prediction of Solute NMR Relative Chemical Shifts. A Case Study of L-Tryptophan in Aqueous Solution
Book Chapters
1. Eriksen, J. J.*: Incrementally Accelerating the RI-MP2 Correlated Method of Electronic Structure Theory Using OpenACC Compiler Directives. In Parallel Programming with OpenACC, Ed.: Farber, R., Morgan Kaufmann (2016)
Miscellaneous (Not Peer-Reviewed)
Eriksen, J. J.*; Stopkowicz, S.; Jagau, T.-C.; Helgaker, T.: Foreword: Prof. Gauss Festschrift
Eriksen, J. J.*: Nomadic Tales, a Contributed Essay in C&EN Magazine on Postdoc Experiences.
Gauss, J.*, Eriksen, J. J.: The Future of the Electron Correlation Problem: What About Full Configuration Interaction?
In Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry, Oberwolfach Reports, 13/2018, DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2018/13
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