EVC Professional Development Day

Re/Connecting to Our Leadership: in our programs, classrooms, and administration 

January 24, 2025

Safety and Logistics

Accessibility: Evergreen Valley College strives to make our events accessible to everyone. Please contact Michelle McKay in HR at Michelle.McKay@sjeccd.edu if you require sign language interpretation, closed captioning, or other accommodations.

Marking Attendance:  PD committee members and session leaders will provide a QR code that leads to a short attendance form where you can note your division and session attended. You'll need to do this for each session you attend, but the QR code will be the same.  We will also have the option of paper sign-in.  

Link to the Attendance Form: this form will open at 8:00 am and will close at 4:30 pm on Friday, January 24, 2025.

Notes on Food and Catering:  EVC is providing morning food and lunch for PDD.  To help us limit food waste, please complete this brief Food RSVP form by 5 PM on Friday, January 17, 2025.  You only need to fill out this form once. If you complete the form, there will be food for you!  We account for some variance, but stand-by lunchers may have to wait just a bit while others are served.   

Schedule for Friday, January 24, 2025 

8:00-9:00 AM: Breakfast burritos, Fruit, Coffee, & Networking (Outside the Performing Arts Building)

9:00 - 10:20: Full Group Session (VPA Theater - Performing Arts Building)

10:20 AM -10:30 AM Break

10:30 AM - 11:25 AM: Community Member-Led Breakout Sessions (Round 1 - Session Details Below)

11:35 AM-12:30 PM: Community Member-Led Breakout Sessions (Round 2 - Session Details Below)

12:30-1:30 Lunch (Gullo II) 

1:30-3:00 Division Meetings 

3:00: End of Friday Programming

10:30 -11:25   Breakout Session Details

CSEA Constitution Committee Spring 2025 Amendment Information Session

Nursing Compliance Training: Part A

Enhancing Classroom Strategies for Supporting DSP Students

SLO Assessment Walkthrough and Working Session

Presenter: Rahmon Pashtunyar

Location: LE-228

Target audience: Faculty who want hands on help and guidance with completing SLO assessment with the new Curriqunet Maverick System. 

Session Details: Faculty will watch a walkthrough of the SLO assessment process and then have time to complete assessments while getting hands on help.

Sixteenth Math 063 Working Group Meeting: Teaching Conditional Probability and Tree Diagrams

AI--an Art Instructor's Perspective

Training for Field-based courses in Biology (Part I)

11:35-12:30 Breakout Session Details

Nursing Compliance Training: Part B

Embedding Essential Math Skills for Physics and Engineering Students in the Calculus Sequence

CurriQunet Program Review: Avoid Common Mistakes & Save Time

Presenter: Fahmida Fakhruddin

Location: C102

Target audience: Faculty, staff, administrators, and those who have a program review looming, who want to learn best practices for using the Program Review module in CurriQunet.

Session Details: 

This session will provide valuable guidance on navigating the Program Review module in CurriQunet, including:

Latinx Education Association: New Affinity Group at EVC

Engage your students with Pronto Chat App

Training for Field-based courses in Biology (Part II)

EVC's Hidden Gems: A Walking Tour

Drop In

IT Drop-in Support Between 1:30-3PM (not intended as a 90 minute experience) 

1:30-3:00 Division Meetings

Enrollment Services: MS 101 

Language Arts: LA 363 

STEM: MS-217 

Dean Hererra

Nursing & Allied Health: Room S-201

Dean Crary

SSHAPE: Room MS 102

Dean Sean Stewart

Student Success: Language Arts Lecture Hall

Dean Victor Garza

Business and Workforce: Mishra

Dean Fuentes

Professional Development Committee Members

 Anali Dimas, Bob Lombard, Grace Tong, Khanh-Hoa Nguyen-Wong,  John Kaufmann, Mark Gonzales, Shashi Naidu,  Jamison Jossis, Vincent Cabada, Jeanine Vaughn, Melody Barta, Michael Casares, Binh Vo

Special Thanks To:  Everyone teaching the breakout sessions!!  Penny Garibay for working with food vendors!  Vince Cabada and facilities for always providing tables and chairs.  CTSS for ensuring we have equipment in the theatre for guest speakers and support for classrooms when needed.