Jannik Strötgen
Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe
I am a professor at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Karlsruhe).
Before joining the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, I was heading the Natural Language Processing and Neuro-Symbolic AI research group and worked as a research scientist at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI). Until February 2018, I was Senior Researcher and PostDoc at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics at Saarbrücken.
At Heidelberg University, I studied computational linguistics and economics (until 2009) and did my PhD in computer science (2015).
My research interests lie in the fields of natural language processing, text mining, and information retrieval.
2024-06-28: I am serving as an Area Chair for EMNLP'24.
2024-03-14: Two papers accepted at NAACL'24:
Rehearsal-Free Modular and Compositional Continual Learning for Language Models.
Discourse-Aware In-Context-Learning for Temporal Expression Normalization.
2023-12-20: I am serving as an Area Chair for NAACL'24.
2023-10-10: Our paper on gradient-based language grouping got accepted at EMNLP'23.
GradSim: Gradient-Based Language Grouping for Effective Multilingual Training.
2023-09-01: I co-organize the KONVENS Teaching for NLP Workshop 2023, with Annemarie Friedrich, Margot Mieskes, Christian Wartena, Stefan Gruenewald.
2023-03-01: I joined the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe (Hochschule Karlsruhe) as a professor.
2022-10-07: Our paper on classification tasks in patent landscaping got accepted at EMNLP'22.
Three Real-World Datasets and Neural Computational Models for Classification Tasks in Patent Landscaping.
2022-01-19: Our paper on enhancing knowledge bases with quantity facts got accepted at WWW'22.
2021-09-07: Two papers accepted at EMNLP'21:
FAME: Feature-Based Adversarial Meta-Embeddings for Robust Input Representations.
To Share or not to Share: Predicting Sets of Sources for Model Transfer Learning.
2021-09-07: First place in two tasks of the IberLEF'21 Shared Task MEDDOPROF.
2021-03-20: Our survey paper on Low-resource NLP got accepted at NAACL'21.
2021-02-15: Our paper on multi-label, hierarchical patent classification using transformers got accepted at ECIR'21.
2020-11-25: Happy to be recognized as an outstanding reviewer at EMNLP'20.
2020-11-25: This year's tier-1 paper output: (look here for all publications)
2020-03-31: My MPI account finally expired, release of this page.
firstname dot lastname (with oe instead of ö) @ h-ka dot de