22-23 July: Arrangieskop

21 July: Crossways New Route up the back


26 - June: Crossways Waterfall Hike


13 Feb: - Van Stadens Dam Hike (with Dian)

A hike out to the Van Stadens Dam with Dian. A very hot day but lots of swimming opportunities. I twisted my ankle badly on the way back.

28 Feb: - Nakakumma Canoe Trail

Ronelle and me went Canoeing on the Sondags River. 13km out and 13km back

21 Mar: - Platbos to Diepwalle

Hiking part of the Outiniqua again with Sandra. On day 2 I twisted my ankle again so could not finish Day 3(Rondebossie to Diepwalle). This hike was the lesson to me to not go hiking if you are not fit. I really suffered and was too tired. at the end of every day.

Link to AllTrails Track Fatmap Flyover

Abrie se Fotos: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3(without me)

17 June: - Gansbaai Mountain Hike

Visited Oupa for the weekend and me and Sandra went hiking . It was my mom's 80's birthday

Link to AllTrails Track Wikiloc Link

25 June: - Crossways - Waterfall Hike

A nice day hike with friends at Crossways. Nice to see the water flowing strongly in the river towards the Kouga Dam. 19km long

Link to AllTrails Track Wikiloc Link