Inspire. Prepare. Succeed.


What's New For 2023-2024?

The BizTown curriculum has been updated for the school year to reflect NJ's updated Civics Standards. If you are implementing and have been sent the new BizTown materials (red cover), please be sure to watch the updated teacher training videos to be up to date on all of the latest changes! 

Simulation Updates

All of the simulation paperwork has been updated to reflect our new curriculum enhancements. Read through all of the information as things have changed. These changes may affect the way students will need to be prepared prior to your simulation day. 

Digital Curriculum & Kit Materials

Click on the pictures below to access or download a digital version of the files.

New Standards!

New! Teacher Guide

New! Citizen Guide

Implementation Guide

Simulation Prep

Below you will find all of the materials needed for a successful simulation day. Please be sure to read through all of the information, and reach out to your JA representative should you run into any questions or concerns. We are here to support and always happy to help!

Visit Preparation Guide 

Jobs & Staffing 

BizPrep Packets

Parent Volunteer Forms

Still have Questions and/or Comments? Please email your JA Programs Representative or Christy Biedron, VP of Education, christy.biedron@ja.org.