Janitorial Management Software Helps Cleaning Services with Time Management 

Janitorial Manager is a cleaning software that focuses on time management and so much more. Time management and organization combine to keep up with employee hours, time limits for each site, and job scheduling. You want a system that does everything in one to prevent overloading your computer with several apps and downloading multiple software systems.

You also want an open line of communication between your team and the customer. The "All-in-One System" gives you cleaning management software to keep you on top of your management skills. We break down the time management portion of the value for you to better understand how it can keep the organization flowing in your business through one cleaning software.

Janitorial Management Software: Organizing and Time Management

One of the toughest challenges in any business is time management. Without organization, it is almost impossible to achieve. Janitorial management software is the answer because it solves the following problems in one software.


It is essential to keep all your software information in one location. Much time is saved when you don't have all those screens in the background. The software allows you to keep job schedules for each day of the week. This keeps you up to speed on where your employees are in case something happens or if another job or task pops up while they are on location. Big or small, you know that you are utilizing your resources efficiently through one application.

Time Management

There are a few topics to cover under time management and how this cleaning management software is critical to saving time.

Scan-4-Clean QR Codes for a Checklist

Upon arrival and exiting, there is a code at the entrance/exit for the employee to scan with their smartphone. Through the Scan-4-Clean QR codes, you will keep track of times and tasks so that you can monitor and control your payroll costs. Each facility area has QR codes with a checklist attached. It makes it the perfect commercial cleaning software for your cleaning service to keep everyone on the same page.


Sources :- https://www.janitorialmanager.com/

Source URL :- https://www.janitorialmanager.com/blog/tips-for-recruiting-cleaners-with-social-media/