

Submission Period

Presentation proposals for JANET2024 will be accepted from Friday, December 1, 2023 to Friday, March 15, 2024.

Submission Guidelines

The theme of the conference is "From Words to Wellness: Nursing Across the Language Barrier" and all submissions are expected to relate to English language education or the development of cultural competency within nursing education. All sessions, regardless of session type, will be 25 minutes, including 5 minutes for Q&A. You may only appear in one session. The call for presentation proposals closes on Friday, March 15, 2024.

Session Types


We welcome submissions related to the following  areas and more.


本学術集会のテーマは、「言葉を通じて健康へ 言葉の壁を越えた看護~」です。応募内容は、看護教育における英語教育か異文化理解に関するものです。すべてのセッションは25分の発表(5分の質疑応答を含む)となります。投稿は1件に限ります。応募の締め切りは、2024年3月15日(金)です。



Submission Advice

The format of the proposal abstract should follow a clear three-step order: background introduction, problem addressed, and finally exactly what will be attended to in the presentation. Make very sure there is no doubt in the mind of the reviewer what the presentation will show, investigate, or discuss. Before submitting your proposal, please ask a colleague to proofread it and comment on the content. 

Factors that strengthen a submission:

The topic and point of view are clearly stated.

The format is appropriate to the topic.

The material to be presented fits the time allotted.

The presenter shows familiarity with current practice and/or research.

The abstract is well written, carefully edited, and proofread.

The proposal relates to the conference theme.

Factors that weaken a submission:

The abstract is too short (abstracts under 75 words will risk rejection).

The abstract is too general and no details or examples are given.

The title is obscure, inappropriate, or unrelated to the content.

Elaborate equipment is needed.

The abstract is carelessly written.

Insufficient time would be available to present.

















Conference Grant

At the discretion of the Executive Committee, and in consultation with the Treasurer, JANET will offer up to 2 grants, annually, for conference presenters who have no access to institutional funding. The grants will be for the sum of 20,000 yen each. The grant award will also include a conference fee waiver for the recipient.

Eligibility for the grant shall be subject to the following conditions:

I. The recipient will have no access to institutional funding for conference attendance. This will be determined on an honor basis.

II. The grant recipient must attend the conference and must participate in the presentation.

III. In the case of multiple presenters, the grant will be awarded to the main presenter.

IV. Within one year of the conference, the recipient must submit a research paper or article related to their presentation to the journal of JANET, Nursing English Nexus.

V. The granting of the award shall be determined by the Program Chair(s) in consultation with the Executive Board. In the event of a split vote, the Executive Director shall have the casting vote.

VI. The award shall be paid in cash, to the recipient, at the conference.

VII. The award is nominally to cover the cost of transport to the conference; however, it may be used at the discretion of the recipient. Receipts will not be required.




I. 助成対象者は、学会出席のため勤務先から機関助成を受けることができない。これは、助成対象者の自己責任になります。

II. 助成対象者は、学会に出席し、発表を行わければならない。

III. 複数の発表者がいる場合、筆頭発表者に助成金が授与される。

IV. 学術集会の終了後1年以内に、Nursing English Nexusに発表内容に関連する論文または記事を投稿しなければならない。

V. 助成の可否は、プログラム委員長が理事会に諮って決定する。賛否が分かれた場合は、理事長が決定票を持つものとする。

VI. 本助成は、助成対象者に大会会場で現金にて支給される。

VII. 助成対象者は、大会に参加するための交通費に充当することが望ましいが、助成対象者の裁量で使用することができる。領収書は必要ない。

Submission Form

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