Our Kennel

What We Feed

Feed: We feed our dogs and puppies Diamond Naturals dog food. This dog food has no corn and no soy added.  We sometimes add soft dog food or chicken broth when needed. 

Supplements: We get our supplements and vitamins from Revival Animal Health. We strive to ensure our dogs are healthy and happy to make sure your puppy is ready its new home. 

Our Process

Waitlist: You can be added to our waitlist to get notified when a new litter arrives. Once the puppies are old enough we can schedule a time for you to come meet the puppies.

Choosing Your Puppy: Once you have chosen your special new pup, you can can place $100 deposit on it to hold it until you can come pick it up. The deposit goes towards your final cost. 

Picking Up Your Puppy: The day you come to pick up you puppy you will sign a bill of sale transferring all rights and ownership to you, as well as our 1 year health guarantee. You will receive a health certificate, the puppy's AKC paper, along with your copy of the bill of sale and the health guarantee. 


Pricing for the puppies varies on color. Please contact us for more information. 

Breeding Rights: If you would like to purchase breeding rights with your puppy please contact us. All puppies are sold with out breeding rights unless specifically requested.