Hi - Thanks for visiting! 

I am a fourth-year PhD student in Economics at the Duesseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE), with research interests in behavioral economics, industrial organization and microeconomic theory. 

You can find my CV here

Contact Information

Email: gieselmann [at] dice [dot] hhu [dot] de

Working Papers 

 Opportunism Problems of Colluding Manufacturers (with M. Hunold, J. Muthers, and A. Rasch, November 2022) 

Abstract: With two exclusive manufacturer-retailer pairs and secret contracting, we show that manufacturer collusion can be infeasible. Crucially, we establish that the stability of collusion depends on retailers’ beliefs about their competitor’s wholesale price offers. We demonstrate that beliefs that depend on the history of wholesale prices can enable collusion. With a new set of beliefs that match the manufacturers’ trigger strategies, collusion is even renegotiation-proof under a novel condition of opportunism-proofness. We show that these beliefs, however, are too inflexible to allow for the formation of manufacturer collusion, and we introduce adaptive beliefs that allow for successful cartel formation.

Dating Platforms: The Case of Fake Profiles (with A. Rasch, October 2021)

Abstract: This paper examines the use of fake profiles by two-sided platforms to stimulate demand and increase profits. By deceiving naïve users, platforms invest into an artificial increase of the network size on one side of the market. Whereas firms are caught in a prisoner’s dilemma if users single-home on both sides of the market, users are protected by platform competition. If users on one side of the market multi-home, firms can increase their prices for the multi-homing side, and they lower their prices for the single-homing side. Investments into fake profiles stimulate demand, such that multi-homing demand and profits increase. Platforms and users as a group can profit from investments under these circumstances.

Available upon request.

Work in Progress

Fake Profiles on Digital Platforms

Draft coming soon.