
My Young Adult novel The Suburban Book of the Dead is available on multiple platforms. It's a modern urban horror, featuring romance, ghosts, monsters and revenge.

No one expected the last night of the Summer holidays to be deadly.

Rain and her best friends Rachel and Jackie head to the carnival. Rain's plan was to chat up Jake, who runs the Ferris Wheel, and maybe get a kiss or two.

But then Rachel's killed in mysterious circumstances, and none of them will ever be the same again.

When Rachel returns as a ghost insisting Rain find out who killed her and why, she turns to Jake, who knows more than he seems to. In fact, he's encountered weird stuff like ghosts and monsters before.

So now she just has to grieve for a friend who she's still talking to, try not to fall deeper in love with Jake, keep her family off her back, decide who to trust, infiltrate the funfair and find Rachel's killer. Piece of cake, right?


"From the first demonic attack, you are drawn into a story that will capture your imagination." - Yvonne, Terror Tree

"The text is sharp and lean, perfectly capturing the teen voices of the story’s protagonists Rain, Jacky and Rachel, revealing both their camaraderie and their cruelty with painful acuity...Many experienced writers would struggle to manage the psychological complexities of this Lovecraftian plot, Sands handles it with aplomb, and the result is an engaging and entertaining narrative delivered with pace." - Lee

"A great read that got me hooked immediately." - Carlo

"This is a thoroughly enjoyable story that will draw you in as it rattles along. A great, engrossing read." - Ellen

On Amazon in paperback and ebook

I have two short stories published in Baby Teeth horror anthology