Managing Your Online Scholarly Identity

This site is designed to walk through the process of creating and updating your online scholarly identity.

Created by Jamie Carlstone, Authority Metadata Librarian at Northwestern University for the workshop Managing your Online Scholarly Identity

Researcher Identifiers


ORCID is a non-profit that provides identifiers and profiles for researchers.

1. Register for ORCID

2. Link ORCID to Northwestern

3. Fill in ORCID profile and review for accuracy.

Tips for filling in your ORCID profile

ORCID allows you to control how much of the profile is visible. At minimum, filling out the Education and Employment and Qualifications sections and making them visible will help others know they are looking at the right person.

To import Works to ORCID, first go through the next steps setting up your Scopus and Web of Science profiles. During this process you will have the chance to synch your publications to your ORCID without having to fill out that part of the profile manually. Once that is complete, manually add any remaing works that were not synched during that process.

Watch this Quick Start with ORCID video for a 3-minute walkthrough.

Researcher IDs from Web of Science

Researcher IDs are a part of Web of Science. They are created through automated processes, so there may be errors in your profile. Claiming your Web of Science profile allows you to fix errors and synch works with ORCID

1. Claim your Web of Science researcher profile or Create a Web of Science researcher profile

2. Synch to ORCID

3. Review profile for accuracy. If needed, edit the Web of Science author profile.

Tips for claiming your Web of Science Researcher ID profile

Web of Science Researcher IDs and author profiles can be synched to ORCID.

Web of Science automatically creates author profiles. Since they are computer generated, they can be inaccurate: publications can be excluded, two or more authors can be merged onto one profile, or one author can be split between several profiles.

To remove publications from your Web of Science profile, click "Manage" in the Documents section. In Documents, delete any works that are not yours. To add works, click Add Publications

To merge two profiles, search for your name in the Researcher search on the Web of Science homepage. Click every profile that is yours and click "Merge Records."

Scopus IDs

Scopus IDs are similar to Researcher IDs, but they are through a different company.

1. Add your ORCID iD to your Scopus author profile

2. Synch to ORCID

3. Review the profile for accuracy. If needed, edit Scopus profile.

Tips for editing your Scopus author profile

Scopus allows you edit your author profile and add your ORCID iD.

Scopus automatically creates author profiles. Since they are computer generated, they can be inaccurate: publications can be excluded, two or more authors can be merged onto one profile, or one author can be split between several profiles.

To remove publications from your Scopus profile, click "Edit profile". In Documents, remove any works that are not yours. To add works, click the link that says Search for Missing Documents on Scopus.

To merge two profiles, search for your name. Click every profile that is yours and click "Request to merge authors." Scopus will review your request and send an email confirming the merge.


1. Open an incognito window and Google your name

2. Note if there are old social media sites you know longer use appearing in the first two pages of results.

3. Mute or delete old and unused social media pages or blogs (Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Goodreads, Friendster, MySpace, GeoCities, etc.)

4. Setup a Google alert for your name

5. Setup a Google Scholar profile

Networking Sites


1. Register for a LinkedIn account

2. Update the profile


Social Media


1. Register for a Twitter account

2. Consider some of the recommendations in this Medium post for using Twitter as an academic

Professional webpages

1. Create a professional website. This site is made using Google Sites. There are a few other drag-and-drop sites with free versions available: Wordpress, or SquareSpace.