Professional Service

  • 2017: Grant Reviewer, Institute for Museums and Library Services (IMLS), Washington, DC

  • 2013–current: Member of the Corporation, The New York Botanical Garden

  • 2012–current: Professional Educator Advisory Committee, Lehman College School of Education

  • 2010–current: Admissions Committee, School of Professional Horticulture, The New York Botanical Garden

    • Committee member to select horticultural graduate students

  • 2007–current: Citizen Science Co-Director, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY

    • Co-Director of the plant phenology and wetland monitoring program on the Botanical Garden grounds

  • 2002–current: Docent/Volunteer Instructor, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY

    • Communicating Science to the Public ▪ Basics of Botany ▪ History of Plants on Earth

  • 2010: National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), San Antonio, TX

    • Invited panelist to set national science standard achievement levels and cut scores for K-12 science education

  • 2008–2011: Torrey Botanical Society Council

    • Council member for the Torrey Society and Torrey Botanical journal