Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry

—— An event in honor of Prof. Shokurov's 70th Birthday

(postponed due to COVID-19)

Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry

(in honor of Prof. Shokurov's 70th Birthday)

Johns Hopkins University

Organizing Committee: Caucher Birkar (University of Cambridge), Christopher Hacon (the University of Utah), Chenyang Xu (M.I.T.) with help from Jingjun Han (Johns Hopkins University).

Principal Japanese Organizers: Keiji Oguiso (University of Tokyo), Shunsuke Takagi (University of Tokyo).

This one year long program at Johns Hopkins University will feature 3 graduate-level courses, one conference, one Monroe H. Martin lecture series, several colloquiums and weekly seminars.

The JAMI conference: March 16--22, 2020.

The Monroe H. Martin lecture series will be given by Chenyang Xu (March 23, 24, 25).

The JAMI program welcomes everybody to attend.

Here is the Registration form (It is recommended to fill in the registration form before 2020/01/25 if you want to either ask us to book the hotel or apply for financial support. Due to limited grant support, we are unable to cover travel expenses for everyone, and we encourage senior speakers and participants to use their grants whenever possible.).

For more details, please contact Jingjun Han: jhan@math.jhu.edu.