grip and swing
Grip clubs properly. Both V's point to your right shoulder.
Left hand - 3 bottom fingers must maintain firm and snug grip thoughout swing.
Keep right grip relaxed.
Always extend left arm fully and keep firm throughout swing. Pull left knee inwards.
Rotate chest with swing
Maintain balance of the torso. Do not stretch arms to reach ball. Let club's length determine your distance from the ball.
the drive
Ball almost in line with left heel.
Partial CLOSED stance.
Weight more on RIGHT FOOT.
Hands positioned behind the ball.
Align body a little to the RIGHT of target.
Check for snug left-hand grip.
Relax - inhale to relieve tensions.
Swing with tempo rhythm.
Extend firm left arm and turn with hips.
Always try to hit ball far enough.
Keep blade square.
Do not move head.
Palm of hand goes directly towards target.
Head directly over the ball.
Always keep elbows close to body.
fairway woods
Square Stance.
Ball situated a little back from left heel.
Put more weight on left side.
Hands a little in front of ball.
Align body a little to the RIGHT of target.
(If slicing go to a closed stance.)
Check your grip, relax, extend left arm, turn hip with good tempo swing.
long irons
Align body RIGHT of target.
Ball in the middle of stance. (Square stance)
Weight more on the left side.
Hands in front of the ball.
Check grip, relax, extend left arm, turn hips, good tempo.
sand traps
Open club face.
Use open stance.
Ball back of Left heel.
Weight more on left.
Aim to LEFT of target.
Implant both feet.
Hands in front of the ball.
Hit 2" behind ball with full follow through.
Arm and hand shot, no body movement.
Close face, use Wedge, (not Sand Wedge).
Hit 1" behind ball.
pitch shots
8, 9, or Wedges
Open stance.
Weight more on the left side.
Ball in front of right heel.
Hands in front of ball.
No body movement, feel close.
Arm extension and cocked wrist shot.
HIt ball crisply.
Note: over trees, play ball more left of heel. Move weight more to the right side.
chip shots
5-6-7 irons.
Feet close together. (Square stance).
Ball in middle of stance.
No body movement.
Weight more on the left side.
Hands in front of the ball.
Hit ball in front of green and roll to target.
Good Lie: Stiffen wrists to punch shot with tempo.
uphill lies
Aim to RIGHT of target.
Closed stance.
Maintain weight more on the left side throughout swing.
Ball about 3" off left heel.
Hands in front of ball.
Open club face somewhat.
Use open stance and pick club to clear top of mound.
Check grip, extension of left arm, and turn hips.
downhill lies
Aim to LEFT of target.
Use one club shorter.
Medium open stance.
Ball about 4" off left heel.
Weight more on left side.
Hands in front of ball.
Check grip, extension of left arm.
Turn hip, swing with even tempo.
sidehill lies
If ball is below feel level, aim LEFT of target.
Use one club longer.
Open stance.
Ball 3"-4" of left heel.
Weight on left side.
If ball is higher than feet level, aim to RIGHT of target.
Closed stance, hands in front of ball.
Weight more on left side.
Ball 2" back from left heel.
Check grip, extension left arm, turn hip.
weather, fairway bunkers, rough
If wind is behind you, open club face a little. Whatever the shot, play ball slightly more forward than normal.
If wind is blowing at you, close club slightly. Whatever the shot, play ball further back than normal, and use 1 or 2 clubs longer than usual. Also, stiff wrist action helps.
Use a less lofted club than usual. Hit your shots and aim to the side that the wind is blowing from to correct drift that ball direction will go in flight.
Always hit ball first, not turf. Try to hit just below center of ball.
Swing in upright vertical fashion with club face open, again hit ball below center line, before turf.
Check for secure grip. Do not strain and muscle grip. Good firm grip will eliminate club twisting, etc.
If ball is lying clean, hit with same club you would use in fairway. Must hit ball first, not sand. Hit below center line of ball. On bad lies, use any club that will get you in the fairway.
closed stance
2-3-4-5 woods if slicing with a square stance.
Uphill lie
Sidehill lie, ball slightly higher than feet.
square stance
Fairway woods
Long Irons
Chip Shots
open stance
Sand traps
Pitch Shots
Slope Lie
Downhill Lie
Sidehill, ball below feet.
Slicing - Hooking - Pulling - Shanking - Skying - Scuffs - Topping
All caused by not staying with fundamentals.
Always check yourself for:
Correct grip, hands in front of ball
Firm left hand grip at top of swing.
Left arm extended and not collapsing.
Turning of hips and not swaying.
Keeping head steady and not lifting up.
Standing upright and slightly flexing knees.
Stance proper with good torso balance and weight on left side.
Good arms and hands follow through.
Keeping swing in smooth rhythm.
Bending or stooping severely in stance.
Do not reach out or stand too far away from ball.
Never fear your shots, regardless who is watching. Take a deep breath, relax, no tension and swing with good speed tempo and rhythm. Never rush a shot, life is too short.