I am an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey. Previously I was a lecturer in philosophy at Boston College and Boston University. I received my Ph.D. from BU in 2019. I'm originally from Toledo, Ohio.

My research interests range widely over metaphysics and the philosophies of logic, mathematics, and mind. What unifies these interests is the conviction that phenomenology as practiced by Edmund Husserl and his followers contains largely unmined resources for making critical interventions into debates in these fields.

In published work I have argued that the early Heidegger is a metaphysical realist and explored the bearing of phenomenology on debates about material constitution, non-classical logic, and anti-realism. Lately I've been working on Sartre's metaphysics, Cassirer's idealism, and the phenomenal theory of intentionality. I was awarded the 2019 Mind Graduate Essay Prize and the 2023 APA Routledge, Taylor & Francis Prize.

I'm currently writing on neo-Husserlian idealism and Sartre's accounts of the first person and being-for-others. See my research page for more on my publications and current projects.

I teach broadly in the history of philosophy and logic. See my teaching page for a description of my teaching experience and goals.

When I'm not doing philosophy, I enjoy listening to music, reading science fiction, and playing board games.

Here's my CV. Feel free to contact me at jkinkaid@bu.edu.