
B.S. Mathematics | Cedarville University, Cedarville, OH, USA | Adam J. Hammett | 2020

M.S. Mathematics | University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA | Benjamin Braun | 2023

Service and Outreach

University of Kentucky Mathematics Graduate Student Council Co-chair | 2023-24

Lexington Area MPO BPAC Membership Subcommittee | 2024

Broke Spoke Community Bike Shop Committed Volunteer | 2024-


NSF Summer Research Assistantship | 2023

NSF Summer Research Assistantship | 2024

Carl Lee Teaching Assistant Award | 2024

Teaching Experience

Intro to Contemporary Math (Voting, Probability, Fair Division, and Graph Theory)

Math for Elementary Teachers 

College Algebra

Calculus I and II Recitation Leader


Presented How often do two permutations meet in the minimal element? at Joint Mathematics Meetings | 2020