About Us

Sophia Mavis Donaldson is a 25-year-old sous chef who enjoys escapology, horse riding and ferret racing. She is inspiring and entertaining, but can also be very dull and a bit unstable.

She is Portuguese who defines herself as gay. She started studying food science at college but never finished the course.

Physically, Sophia is slightly overweight but otherwise in good shape. She is very tall with dark chocolate skin, grey hair and black eyes.

She grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. She was raised by her mother, her father having left when she was young.

She is currently in a relationship with Irene Virginia Lee. Irene is the same age as her and works as an IT technician.

Sophia's best friend is a sous chef called Iman Zhang. They get on well most of the time. She also hangs around with Rita Rees and Jade Castillo. They enjoy tennis together.