How to Get an 'A' in My Courses!

Learn Canvas!

Whether in person or online, we rely on Canvas as our Course Management System. If you are new to Canvas, view these videos and you will be up and running in no time.

Participate in Discussion Threads

Reach Out

I will accept late work without penalty if you:

Be Kind, Act In Solidarity, and Use Proper Netiquette

Read Your Syllabus

Take time to read the syllabus. Put all of the key due dates in your calendar.

Do Your Own Work

Plagarism is the act of presenting someone else's work off as your own. Don't do it. It's a horrible habit that can have massive consequences for your academic career. That said, in my experience, most of the incidents of 'plagarism' are actually cases of not knowing how to properly cite sources. Thankfully, our library has an excellent guide to help you become a citation pro.

Ethical A.I. Use

It is fine to use Artificial Intelligence to help you structure or outline an assignment. It is not permissible to use it to write your paper for you. If you place A.I. generated text into a Canvas Discussion thread, you must also: 

Know the Drop Deadlines!