James Kenya 2024

I am joining Camps International Kenya 2024 to volunteer on community & environmental projects 

4 weeks volunteering in Kenya 2024

Kenya 2024 will be a 4-week expedition to volunteer on community development work, environmental projects and wildlife conservation. The core objectives of this expedition are to undertake projects in order to raise the educational standards of developing communities within a rural district of Kenya, improve the living standards of local communities in rural Kenya and assist with ongoing wildlife conservation programs to preserve biodiversity and protect vulnerable habitats.

Click here to donate to my Just Giving page 

What will I be doing?

Working on community, environmental & wildlife projects. I hope to learn from the local community & experience a new culture as well as volunteering my skills. I aim to be a useful team member. 

Where will I stay?

I will be staying in 3 camps in Kenya. Each will have with simple bunks, mosquitos nets, drop toilets and cold showers. My experience as a Scout will be useful!

Why am I going?

To have an adventure, challenge myself and expand my understanding of different cultures. I hope I'll come back with a new outlook, able to apply my new skills to volunteering at school & as a Scouts Young Leader.


I will be self-funding this trip costing £4630 with a series of fundraising events, sponsorships, grant applications and activities. I would be hugely grateful for your support.

A quick film about Camps International


Contact jameskenya2024@gmail.com for more information on the project

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