Jeff, Mina, & Clark, 2021.
Archie observing the bees, 2021.
Queen, 2021.
Clark smoking the hives, 2021.
A bee resting her wings, 2021.
The bee yard, 2021.
Open hive, 2021.
Jeff and Archie making maple syrup, 2021.
Archie visits the bee yard, 2021.
Honey, 2021.
A Hot Wheel for the bees, 2020.
Clark extracting honey, 2018.
Bees with brood, 2018.
Honey harvest, June 2018.
Jeff & Clark working the hives, 2018.
Eggs & Larva, 2017
First honey harvest, 2017.
Spring vs. fall honey, 2017.
Uncapping cells, 2017.
Queen, 2017.
Honey frames, 2017.
Queen, 2016.
Mina with two of our first bee installations, 2016.
First hive, 2015.