ICLE SIG Research Groups Project

The ICLE SIG Research Groups Project

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with the amount of work a research project entails? Have you ever wished for someone more knowledgeable at data analysis to help you make sense of that bulk of data that is sitting in your hard disk for months now? If so, I have a solution for you.

I would like to propose a project for all ICLE SIG members, titled “The ICLE SIG Research Groups”. I am planning on creating several research groups that will connect teachers who have a shared research interest. This will hopefully lead towards collaborative research among our SIG members. This way, we could work together to either develop teaching materials, and even publish a textbook in the future, as well as applying for research grants or other funds that can help further research in intercultural communication in language education.

So, if you are interested in collaborating with others, please fill in the Google form by July 22nd and we’ll try to create the groups based on shared research interests.

The information will then be shared only with those members who expressed interest in the project. Once the research groups are created, the way the group manages their communication is up to them. Keep in mind we won’t be able to provide help to manage your group meetings and discussions. In order to keep track of the work that’s being done, each group will need to write a short report once every year on their progress, so that we can showcase it to other members and on our website.

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