I am a PhD student working on mathematical physics, supervised by Grégory Ginot and Owen Gwilliam. I am based in Paris in the Laboratoire LAGA, where I arrived in October 2022. I am always happy to chat about math and/or physics, feel free to contact me! 

email: ulmer [at] math.univ-paris13.fr

My project involves String Field Theory (SFT), specifically  understanding how 2d extended TQFT's organize themselves into yet other theories, formulated as BV-algebras. I use the description of 2d extended TQFT's via cyclic A-infinity categories. Another central part of my research is the Loday-Quillen-Tsygan theorem, which relates the open SFT of such objects, described by cyclic cohomology, to certain gauge theories, described by cyclic L-infinity algebras.

Further Keywords/ Pursuits: Kontsevich Matrix Model, Categorical (open-closed) GW-Invariants, Open-Closed Dualities.

Further Interests: Twisted Holography, Homotopical Algebra, Derived Geometry. 

I completed my master studies in mathematics at ETH Zürich with a thesis on 'the A-model as a TQFT via Floer Theory' supervised by Pavel Safronov. For my undergraduate studies in physics I was at Universität Heidelberg with a thesis on understading the formalism of Factorization Algebras in QFT supervised by Johannes Walcher.  

My PhD is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 945322 through the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris.