Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Professors

nHUNG NGUYễN [homepage]

Nhung received a B.S. degree in information technology and a master’s degree in software engineering from Hanoi National University (HVNU), Hanoi, Vietnam, in 2015 and 2018, respectively. In 2015, She spent nearly a year being an intern and working as a software engineer at NTT Data Vietnam. Since 2016, She works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Information Technology at Viet Tri Industry University, Viet Nam. She completed her D.Phil from the Infomation Technology Convergence lab in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Myongji University (MJU), Korea, where Prof. Yong-Hwa Kim advised her. Her favorite research interests are machine learning and its applications in security and some applications of machine learning in software engineering.

Early Stage Researchers

habib khan

Habib Khan is an AI Researcher and Coordinator in our research network at Gachon University. He actively engages in international collaborative projects within the AI community, fostering innovation and knowledge exchange.  His research interests focus under the umbrella of Machine Learning and Deep Learning with a specific focus on Visual Intelligence in Surveillance, Saliency Detection, AI in Healthcare, Video Analytics, Fire Detection, Segmentation, Cybersecurity, Underwater robotics, and Energy Analytics (Energy Consumption and Generation Prediction). He holds two MS degrees from Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea, and a BS Degree in Computer Science from Islamia College University Peshawar. He also worked as an AI Researcher and Project Associate at the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Technology Board, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. He has contributed many scientific articles to prestigious international journals and conferences, and some of his articles are accepted in the pipeline of the Q1, top ten, A* venues. He is actively involved as a reviewer in the Information Fusion, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, JKSUCI, IoTJ, Expert Systems with Applications, IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences, Nanotechnology Reviews, IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Magazine, Supercomputing journals, and prestigious conferences including INFOCOM, AIAI 2022, ICANN 2022, ICANN 2023, EAAI 2024, IWCMC 2024 (Edge Intelligence) and AIAI 2024.

Master Students

muhammad talha usman

Talha is a Master's student at Gachon University and a Research Assistant in our research network. His research interests focus on Anomaly Detection, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). He holds bachelor's degrees from the University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan. 

Integrated BS-MS students

Kyungmin choi 최경민

Working on single-photon Lidar imaging using deep unrolling of a Bayesian model


Undergraduate interns

Remote Research Assistants (Working with Lab Coordinator)


Previous Members