I really believe this is the crux of the matter. For the most part, there are only two options. Either you are doubting yourself or you are doubting God. It is my belief that either choice is possible, depending on the circumstances. I also believe we can address both of these possibilities!

First, and more likely, you are doubting yourself. At least that seems to be your focus. You look around at your work, your family, your friendships, etc. and you doubt whether you are able to do what needs to be done. Maybe you doubt you have what it takes or maybe you think the opposition is too strong. Whatever the case, this kind of doubt is focused on you and your (apparent) lack of skill, strength, charisma, etc.

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I hope this response makes sense to those of you who find yourselves doubting your own abilities, effectiveness, strength, etc. If this is you, I encourage you to remind yourself of your Creator and His incredible design. Also, return to the position where you are fully depending on His strength as your source. Your confidence should return.

Here are some of the common factors that lead to self-doubt. Think of these as possible explanations to help you stop beating yourself up for having doubt. For most people, trying to pinpoint exactly why they have doubt is less important than overcoming it.

I also have had many fears and doubts off and on about my salvation. I somehow came to this conclusion to believe in Christ Jesus no matter what the enemy was feeding my mind, I believe that Jesus died for me , and took my place on the cross, and He now sits at the right hand of God interceding on my behalf. Continue to pray my strength in our Lord Jesus.

Dear Kelly,

My thoughts are with you as you face the difficult days ahead. Praying you will know when the time is right and that your sweet girl will pass peacefully. Wishing you strength and comfort. Bless you.

Dear Simon,

I am sorry you are facing this difficult decision for your senior guy. I am hopeful his passing will be peaceful and smooth. Praying for your strength to navigate this tough road ahead and for comfort for your heart.

Dear Tricia,

I am sorry you are facing this difficult decision for Gracie. From what you describe it does sound like her mental state is in decline and her quality of life is not the best. I understand how hard it is to know when to let go. I always think it is better to say goodbye one day too early rather than one day too late and allow unnecessary suffering. I will attach links to other articles with more information and great comments from other readers. I am hopeful you will find the advice you are looking for to make the best choice for Gracie. Praying for your strength and comfort for your heart.

Dear SA,

My heart goes out to you as you face this difficult decision for your senior girl. It sounds like her health and mental state are declining and saying goodbye may be the most loving option. I think you are making the right choice to let go before things get worse. What a blessing you can save her from unnecessary suffering and pain. I hope her passing is peaceful and smooth. Praying for your strength and comfort for your heart. May the memories of the good times you shared stay with you always. Bless you both.

Your comments about your Husky really helped comfort my heart, for I too am struggling with the same issues with our senior dog of 14. Back in January she had a seizure and then recently started having them more often. She is just not the happy and snuggly girl she used to be ? it breaks my heart thinking we may were being selfish with not letting her go sooner. Her passing appointment is today, and I can use all the strength and prayers given.

Your story is so very similar to mine right now. My dog, Roxie, has made it to the long age of 17. She has had dementia I believe for awhile- gets stuck under chairs, paces, has terrible incontinence issues, and walks with a back arched and legs often sliding behind her. Yet she occasionally gets this puppy look on her face and still loves food and drinks plenty of water. I know they say there is a right time so it does not go past that right time- but it never really feels right!

I hope your day brought you and your family peace. I know how difficult it probably was and still is. We have our appointment today- mostly due to finding a very abnormal growth on Roxie but over the weekend, my family discussed it might just be time to say goodbye to her. I still cannot accept this as happening but I know she is getting close to us feeling like we waited too long. You are right- it would be nice dogs lived longer since they are our family. I read something once where a little girl said after her pet passed that people have to live longer to make sure they love as much as they can- but dogs love so hard and so very much that it does not take as long for them to be here to give all their love. I think that is probably true.

Dear Kelly,

Thank you for sharing your story with us. Your words are so full of truth and love. Dogs really do love hard and give of themselves completely. Humans have a lot they could learn from dogs. I am sorry for your recent loss of Roxie. My thoughts are with you as you navigate this new path forward without her by your side. May her memory be a blessing in your life. Wishing you all the best for a bright future.

Dear I-lost-my-girl,

I am so sorry for the loss of your senior girl. I can only imagine the emotions and grief you are experiencing since saying goodby several weeks ago. I am sorry the level of sedation was a shock after the pain medication was administered. Even though your girl was seemingly unconscious, I have no doubt she knew you were right there with her and that your presence was a comfort. What a blessing you were able to stay by her side until her final moments. It is clear just how much she was loved, and I am certain she knew that too. May her memory be a blessing and I pray your heart will find peace.

Dear Wendy,

I am sorry your sweet boy is nearing the end of his life. I understand how difficult it is to make a choice to say goodbye. From what you describe, it does sound like he is struggling and letting go may be the only way to give him peace and rest. I always think it is better to say goodbye one day too early rather than one day too late and allow unnecessary suffering. I hope you can find the advice you need to make the best decision for you and your pup. Praying for your strength and comfort.

Dear Yeliz,

My heart goes out to you as you face this most difficult decision. It is clear from your words just how much you love your senior guy. I know it is hard when there is no absolute right or wrong answer. Here is a link to another article about evaluating quality of life: Using a Quality of Life Scale for Dogs

I hope you can find the answers you need to make the best decision for your sweet boy and one you can be at peace with. Sometimes saying goodbye is the most loving option and the only way to give a beloved pup relief from their suffering. It is not wrong to let go if the bad days are outweighing the good. Hoping you can find clarity and comfort in this emotional time. Bless you both.

Dear Glenster,

My heart goes out to you with this difficult situation you are in with Lily. It definitely sounds like her health is deteriorating and she is nearing the end of her days. I am not sure there is much I can do to help your wife come to terms with this impending goodbye. The only thing I have to offer is information. I will attach links to other articles with more details and advice/comments from other readers that may help to make this hard decision more bearable. I do think it is better to say goodbye one day too early rather than one day too late and allow unnecessary suffering. There is no greater act of selflessness and love than to allow your own heart to break so that your dog can find peace and rest. I am sorry you even have to make this choice. I pray for your strength and comfort as you navigate the unknown road ahead. Wishing the best to everyone involved.

Dear Brittany,

I am sorry Max is struggling from arthritis pain and mobility issues. He has been through so much recently and I think it is very loving of you to want to spare him from any future suffering. I would rather say goodbye a day early than a day too late. I hope you will find comfort knowing you gave Max a long happy life. Praying for your strength during this difficult process. May his memory be a blessing.

Dear Ashley,

I understand your concern for your senior boy and his declining mental health. What you are describing sounds like symptoms commonly seen in dogs that suffer from canine cognitive dysfunction/dementia. Making the decision to say goodbye is incredible difficult, but especially when most of the issues are mental rather than physical. It is ok to consider euthanasia for dogs struggling with dementia like your little pup. You have the ability to make the most loving and unselfish choice to give him peace and rest after a lifetime of love and devotion. Here is a link to another article with more information and great comments from other readers: Dementia in Dogs: When to Euthanize Your Beloved Senior Dog

I pray for your strength and comfort in this most difficult time. Bless you both.

Dear Lindsey,

I am sorry your sweet girl is nearing the end of her life. I know you want to do what is best and that is difficult when things are not clear. In these circumstances, there may be no right or wrong answer as to when is best to say goodbye. I will attach some links to other articles that may offer additional information and advice. It is clear how much you love your little pup, and I am certain she knows. Praying for your strength and comfort for you both.

Dear Julie,

I understand the grief that comes with saying goodbye to a beloved senior pup. It sounds like you made the right decision, and it came from a place of love. Try not to look at it like you took joy away from him, but rather allowed him to find peace and rest and prevented unnecessary suffering. I always think it is better to let go one day too early rather than one day too late. I hope with time your heart will heal. May his memory be a blessing. be457b7860

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