Jairo E. Watts Pajaro
I was born in Cartagena, Colombia on March 11, 1970 and have been in the art world since 1985 when I started my first watercolors under the guidance of a watercolorist friend, Dionisio Cuadro. Since then, I have been painting and developing this art inherited from my mother, Emercy Pajaro de Watts. However, I tried to distance myself from art and study mechanical engineering, but art pursued me and has been an important part of my life. I participated in a painting contest at the Technological University of Bolivar and won first place. That motivated me to create a mural at the university and dedicate myself full-time to my engineering career. After entering the world of sales and traveling throughout Central America, Ecuador, and Venezuela, my life as an entrepreneur was stimulated. In 2001, after being fired from my previous job as a salesperson, I sought more stability and decided to become an entrepreneur. Over the years, I have been an innovator and have manufactured machines and automated processes for our company. I also have a patent for a packaging product and am the CEO of our business group ewatts.co, which is an aggregation of various business ideas that allow me to oscillate between one and the other at different times and times. Currently, I continue to work on the development of new business opportunities and the exploration of new markets. For some time now, I have been motivated by two people who have dedicated their lives to working with homeless and indigent people. Their example inspired me to embark on my own crusade to help these people in the best way I know how: through painting. I have started painting pictures and donating a large part of my works to the direct aid of these people. When I got to know homeless and indigent people up close, my perspective changed completely. Many things that I used to consider important fell into the background and I realized that what is truly valuable is being able to make a positive difference in the lives of others. This experience has made me reflect on the footprints I leave in the world and on the opportunities I have to do good. Now, carrying out this crusade has become a priority for me. Along the way, I have faced some difficulties, but I have found a way to overcome them thanks to my determination and passion for helping these people. So far, I have donated several paintings and have noticed a significant impact on the lives of the people I have helped. This experience has been extremely rewarding for me and has taught me many valuable things about life and how to make a positive difference in the world.