The Coalition

Our Mission

We’re committed to cultivating a culture that’s community centered, restorative, trauma informed, and prioritizes a holistic approach towards healing and accountability.

Our Vision

We, the Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition, envision Cuyahoga county divesting from incarceration and transferring resources towards community care and rehabilitation. We envision Cuyahoga County democratizing justice and healing by antiquating the carceral system and its cultural attitudes. We envision community accountability to address the root causes of harm with alternatives to incarceration.

Our Values

We share a commitment to centering the leadership of people and communities directly impacted by all aspects of the prison-industrial complex in Cuyahoga County.

Our values in this work include:

  • Empathy

  • Integrity

  • Creativity

  • Centering Community Care & Healing

  • Abolishing Patriarchy, White Supremacy, and Oppressive Hierarchy in all its forms

  • Centering Community over Capital

  • Democratizing Skills

  • Resilient focus

  • Restorative justice

  • Bodily autonomy

  • Discipline not punishment

  • Trust

  • Coalition-Building

  • Internationalism and Anti-Militarism