2-player cooperation game

One player in VR environment

Another player uses the PC screen


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In Game

Wake up at a Prison

You need to find a way out.

Solve the puzzle break out the cell

The challenges come to you right away.

A hacker is giving help...

This game is based on the communication. One player will be VR environment while the other player has the screen and the access to prison network. Every challenge needs to be cracked by collaboration.

Out? But that's just the first step

After you get out of the cell. You need to be even more careful because there are more to come...

Tick Toc...

The time is limited. Try to get out before the hacker is kicked out of the network...

Avoid the guard

Communicate with your hacker to find and avoid the encounter with the guard.

Dodge the laser

While the hacker has the access to the the prison network, he/she can see the laser beam while the prison(VR player) cannot. Communicate to doge it.

Not The End And More to Come...

The Trailer

Our Team

Chen Bai baic@usc.edu

Daniel Mizrahi dmizrahi@usc.edu

Fan Zhang (Zoe) fzhang72@usc.edu

Lulu Li lulul@usc.edu

Parshav Kothary pkothary@usc.edu

Scott Kriesberg kriesber@usc.edu

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