As @Akshay says run flutter config --android-studio-dir=/Application/Android\ I got the same problem when i ran the config command this way: flutter config --android-studio-dir=/Application/

As a quick check would you mind downloading your project as an xlsform and then upload the same as a new project to see if you are able to get the newly deployed project in your KoBoCollect android app?

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Landley started toybox in 2006 under the GPLv2, but soon switched to theBSD license. The project was largely dormant until he restarteddevelopment in 2011 with the goal of being a drop-in replacement forAndroid's toolbox that,like BusyBox and toybox, encompasses multiple command-line utilities in asingle binary.Toolbox, though, has long been a source of frustration forAndroid developers, some of whom replace it with BusyBox as one of theirfirst acts on any new Android system. Developers have found that toolboxlacks many of the commands they need, while also providing commands withdifferent behavior and command-line options than they are used to fromLinux.Landley released toybox 0.5.1 on November 19.That release is a bug fix update to 0.5.0 that we looked at in October.

But there is more than just adding the code. Hughes posted a status report on December 18 tothe toybox mailing list(which was updated on January 1)that listed various utilities in the AOSP master branch that usetoybox as the underlying binary. The list has quite a number of newcommands that were not available in toolbox, as well as more than two dozencommands where the toybox version replaces the one in toolbox. There arealso some notes for commands that need to be looked at or fixed intoybox before Android can switch to using them.

For example, Hughes lists missing command-line arguments for severalcommands (e.g. cat, cmp, grep), but patches arepending for many of those. Other commands, such as ifconfig andinotifyd, appear to provide a superset of the functionalityrequired by Android, but more testing needs to be done.There are a couple of advantages that toybox brings to the table. Theutilities work more like the GNU versions, which should be more familiar toLinux users than the NetBSD-based versions that are in toolbox. It alsoneatly avoids the GPL that comes with both the GNU utilities and BusyBox,which is frowned upon (at least) for Android user space.

As Landley notes, one can equally use bluetooth for keyboard and mouse, something like chromecast for display (some phones also have HDMI), but does he plan to port compilers, editors, etc to android? The easier way is to use a linux chroot, it works now, busybox helps but if toybox was part of the system that would be enough. I have actually been using my 5" phone in this way quite actively. The display is large enough for terminal-based work, and together with this keyboard (which unfolds to almost full size), it is pretty much a fully functional computer. And the whole thing fits in my pocket. Android gets a toybox Posted Jan 16, 2015 18:42 UTC (Fri) by dlang (guest, #313) [Link]

Getting Android to have a fully capable shell rather than a crippled one is more work. That's where toybox replacing toolbox helps.

 Android gets a toybox Posted Jan 16, 2015 22:01 UTC (Fri) by rsidd (subscriber, #2582) [Link]

Android won't use busybox by default, they were using toolbox, but it didn't implement a lot of commands that people want, so the move to using toybox, which does implement a lot more (and is aimed at supporting a full self-hosting environment) is a move forwards.

 Android gets a toybox Posted Jan 17, 2015 1:02 UTC (Sat) by rsidd (subscriber, #2582) [Link]

Busybox/toolbox do make life easier but there's much more to a development environment, unless one goes the chroot way. 

 Android gets a toybox Posted Jan 18, 2015 8:29 UTC (Sun) by landley (guest, #6789) [Link]

My use case is an 8 year old girl in rural india who inherited an old phone from her parents and should be able to learn to program with just that.

Having a phone should be sufficient to program for the phone, and not just ROM BASIC du jour but actually digging into the thing. Linus started Linux because he had a minimum level of knowledge and equipment, and way more time than money. He's no longer that guy, and it's starting to show. But the _next_ generation is gonna do it on phones, not PCs.

Android is a long way from that, but responds to gentle nudges. (Meanwhile iOS is actively locking people out. No user serviceable parts inside, shut up and subscribe to your feeds.)

> Android takes about 8GB RAM and huge amounts of disk space to compile.

AOSP can build in less memory when you do a non-parallel build, but doing so takes about 5 hours.

Fixing this is a "meet in the middle" sort of thing, Moore's Law marches on and it should be possible to pare AOSP down to a less monstrous version. (Right now AOSP only functions as a complete distro build in a giant integrated monolith with hundreds of packages. It should be possible to extract a base system build and make the rest more configurable. Remember we had a bunch of releases of Red Hat before we got Linux From Scratch...)

> As noted above, I do use my phone for work when I'm waiting somewhere

> (and that foldable bluetooth keyboard is very comfortable).

The keyboard linked elsewhere in the comments is very nice, but almost $200. I started learning to program when I was 11 on shared family resources, I didn't have $200 (even inflation adjusted) to spend on anything (even counting indirect purchasing power from birthdays and christmas) for like 6 years after that.

Ideally having the device should be sufficient for programming the device. Ergonomically bigger keyboard and display are really cool, but to matter they need to be cheap and ubiquitous. (I'm tracking how long until USB 3 hubs are available used. Old keyboard, old mouse, easy to come by already. People throw _out_ ones that still work. Old USB->HDMI adapter allows you to plug into an old television, but that requires USB 3. USB2 only gives you usb->vga adapter, and old monitors aren't nearly as ubiquitous as old TVs. Where "old" is "today's technology in 5-10 years".)

Still, a teenager's _already_ going to be a lot more comfortable with an on-screen phone keyboard than I'm ever likely to get. "How can you live with that cramped horrible thing, my fingers hurt just looking at you" is what an old person (like me) says to a 12 year old who has no problem with it. And there are tablets. (Did you ever notice that successful tablets are big phones, not small PCs? Except a phone you carry with you 24/7 and a tablet you generally don't, so that's not a solution unless you transiently associate your phone to the tablet just like you would to any other larger display/input devices you happened to be near...)

(Pity Google's glasshole spycams poisoned the well for glasses as an I/O device. Oh well, maybe that's temporary or doesn't apply to Korea or something...)

> But if it's serious programming stuff, I open a few terms,

> ssh into my work machine, and get into the GNU screen sessions

> that I have running there.

Microsoft's Altair BASIC was cross compiled (well, cross-assembled) from a PDP-10. Ken and Dennis cross-assembled the first unix code on a GE 645 mainframe. Looking at the previous generation as a "real computer" and the new one as "just a toy" is a common stage, and old programmers usually stick with what they know until they retire still writing COBOL. Meanwhile the new kids come up to speed on the hardware in front of them, and consider it a thing in itself rather than an extension of something else.

I'm trying to allow serious programming to be done natively on a phone. Yes, an android phone is about 7 years behind the PC in hardware specs. But I was building Linux systems 7 years ago on the hardware of the day, the fact I could get a much more powerful mainframe and just use that is not actually a new argument, it was made about minis and micros before it was made about phones.

Honestly, we've been through all this before:

mainframe -> minicomputer -> microcomputer (I.E. PC) -> smartphone.

This is the fourth iteration of the same old story. Too many people ask "is this worth doing today" rather than "would this be nice to have in 5-10 years".

I can't fix all the problems, but I can chip away at obvious bottlenecks to try to steer the narrative through the paths I want it to take rather than yet more DRM lockdown nonsense (replaying the lost decade of shrinkwrap software turning into abandonware the PC went through).

 Android gets a toybox Posted Jan 20, 2015 6:03 UTC (Tue) by rsidd (subscriber, #2582) [Link]

Also, most people developing on android devices would want to develop android apps. The development environment for that (sdk+ide etc) is pretty heavyweight, and I'm not sure it even exists on ARM. But it would definitely be brilliant if you could compile, debug and run an app right on your mobile device without needing a computer. Even better if you could recompile the kernel and install it while keeping the earlier one as a backup -- we are all used to doing that on desktops, but doing it on a mobile device is much trickier.

 Android gets a toybox Posted Jan 18, 2015 8:04 UTC (Sun) by landley (guest, #6789) [Link]


Can we use 2 times the toolbox plugin (2 windows as on my picture) in the same workflow and set 2 different conditions so that when one of the 2 conditions is met it is one or the other of the plugins (one of the 2 windows) that is activated with its code, of course the code is different in the 2 windows.

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