My primary research interests are in  machine learning systems, machine learning for health, and developing computing systems using commodity sensing (mainly acoustics/AR/VR) for healthcare. 

Current Work:


Organizing Committee: TPC Co-Chair: IASA 2023, Publicity Chair: IPSN 2023, UbiComp 2024. Finance Chair: MobiCom 2022.    Publication chairIPSN 2022, HotMobile 2021, MobiCom 2020.

Journals: PACM IMWUT, Transactions of Mobile Computing, Pervasive Computing, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, Computer Speech and Language, IEEE Micro.

Technical Program Committee: 

Conferencees: MobiCom 2024, ISWC 2024, IJCAI 2021 - 2024,  ACM MultiMedia MM 2023 - 2024, InterSpeech 2022 - 2024, PerCom 2021-2023 (Industrial Track), Mobiquitous 2022, PervasiveHealth 2020 - 2021, SenSys 2021 Main Track. SenSys 2020 (Posters and Demos), ICPADS 2019, GPC 2020

Workshops: MetaSys@ISMAR 2022, SmartWear@MobiCom 2022, Mobile and Wireless Sensing for Smart Healthcare@MobiCom 2022, Intelligent Acoustic Systems and Applications@MobiSys 2022, MetaBuild@IEEE VR 2022, MageSys 2019 @SIGCOMM, AI for Internet of Things 2019 @ IJCAI

Funding Bodies Reviewer: NIHR, Dutch Research Council, ERC. 

External Reviewer: AH, ACNS, IEEE Internet Computing, PERCOM, SECON

Shadow PC: IMC 2018, EuroSys 2019