I am moving to UCL Computer Science. If you are interested in doing PhD with me, then check PhD Opportunities. For hosting your PhD or PostDoctoral research, check Hosting Opportunities.
Jan 2025 - Paper accepted at ICLR on efficient one-shot federated learning using Tsetlin Machines. Well done Shannon!
November 2024 - Paper accepted at DATE - a top conference in electronics design.
October 2024 - Paper accepted at NeurIPS. Serving as a TPC member for PerCom and reviewer for ICLR.
May 2024 - Paper on Training DNN on the extreme edge is accepted to ICML.
May 2024 - I am serving as a TPC member for MobiCom 2024.
April 2024 - Paper on Efficient Continual Learning with Tsetlin Machines is accepted to EWSN - a top Systems and networking conference.
March 2024 - I am a reviewer and TPC member for ACM Multimedia, InterSpeech, ICASSP, IJCAI, and ISWC.
Dec 2023 - Secured another 1.3 M GBP as a grant from EPSRC.
Sept 2023 - Congrats Shannon on winning the best student paper award at ISTM. Our paper "LifeLearner: Hardware-Aware Meta Continual Learning System for Embedded Computing Platforms" got into SenSys.
August 2023 - EPSRC Grant 750 K GBP awarded with Medicine & Chemistry for the project AGENDA. I will serve as a publicity chair for UbiComp 2024.
June 2023 - Paper on Efficient Federated Learning accepted at ISTM. Congrats to Shannon! Well Done.
May 2023 - Paper accepted at InterSpeech (Well Done Mo), KDD and Journal of Medical Internet Research - JMIR
I am an assistant professor and lead the IntellEcT Systems group at ECS (University of Southampton). I am interested and working on topics that deal with (a) developing efficient and trustworthy machine learning systems, (b) adaptive and efficient robotics, (c) machine learning for health, and (d) designing and evaluating novel mobile systems and applications.. I have secured around £2.7 million of research funding to date.
I was also a visiting researcher at the University of Cambridge, a member of the International Centre for Spatial Computational Learning and Institute of Life Sciences. Prior, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Mobile Systems Group with Professor Cecilia Mascolo at the University of Cambridge.
I obtained my PhD from the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, UNSW, Australia, and Data61 (CSIRO), Australia under the supervision of Dr. Aruna Seneviratne in the area of usable security. I was awarded an International TFS from UNSW and a Data61 Scholarship to pursue my PhD. I was also associated with LiveLabs @ SMU, Singapore where I worked with Dr. Archan Misra and Dr. Youngki Lee during my internship on breathing-based user authentication. I received my MSc in Computer Science from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada where I was part of the DISCUS lab and worked on simulating big data schedulers.