Hello, I'm Jaehoon Lee. 

Research Scientist in LG AI Research

Contact me: jaehoon.lee@lgresearch.ai

Now I work for LG AI Research (Leader: Moontae Lee) as Research Scientist. Also, I am a Master’s student advised by Noseong Park at the Dep. of Computer Science in Yonsei University. I took my Bachelor’s degree in applied statistics and computer science in Yonsei University. My undergraduate major GPA is 4.28/4.3 (4.2/4.3 for the overall GPA). I want to give new solutions to a variety of social problems with AI. My research interest is mainly in solving Time Series Tasks (Time Series Forecasting, Anomaly Detection, and Time Series Generation) with AI. Furthermore, based on existing methods for time series, I try to find more general time series models, such as differential-equation-based models and foundation models. 

Major Achievement



