Research: Stimulus Materials & Planning


Discussion of Selected Prompts with Argument Development

AP College Board Released

Stimulus Selections

(Complete Collection)

Note regarding the AP Collegeboard Materials: The selected articles are released by College Board in January of the testing year. Students MUST select at least 2 of the sources to be some component of their own, original, logically developed and researched argument.

Problem Statement: Since 1920, past ideas of women’s roles in society have created stereotypes that fuel discriminations against women in the workplace which prevents them from receiving achievement, such as promoted as well as receiving equal pay.

The Holdout.pdf
Excerpt from Democracy in America, 1835-1840.pdf
IWA Full Outline.pdf

Below Are the Main Sources I Used to Help Me Explain Certain Topics in my Arguments.

These Connected my Stimulus Material to my Main Argument of Women Inequality in Past and Present Times.

The history of women’s work and wages and how it has created success for us all.pdf
Who said this is a Man s War propaganda advertising discourse and the representation of war worker women during the Second World War.pdf
Gender Roles.pdf
Gender Wage Gap Source & Self-Promotion Source.pdf
Gender Discrimination at Work - Equal Rights Advocates.pdf