Jacobo's Projects

Math Library

I've been working on a math library still a work in progress. currently will do the math and return the answer.

Capstone Game

This is a work in progress still but it is due in July when I graduate.
This is a Horror fast food game, where you are annoyed by a ghost that messes things up for you from progressing in the day and preventing you from making money to meet the week's rent.

Link to the itch.io It's being done in both VR and PC build


learned about the greedy algorithm, dynamic programming, behavior trees, queue lists, and more

this picture here is the Path Finding Lab and here is a video of it in action

Development V

I used Unreal 4.24 to make a FPS game in both Blueprint and Code
https://youtu.be/XaLFKYGP7tA link to the project

Engine Development

Here we had to make the gameplay parts of a engine while the graphics were already taken care of.
some things include:

 a particle system by Sorted and unsorted Pools

having behaviors such as  LookAt,  TurnTo, and a gizmo that ascends, descends, and moves in any direction.

Computer Networks

Here I learned about Multiplexing and how to work with servers and clients. This was done using the WinSock API
Link to Exe

Midterm Game

Wizards Day, a top down survival game that you need to survive for 5 rounds, collect experience points so that the fireball does more damage to the enemies.
This was made in Unity
Link to game on Unity Play

WxWidgets to make a Calculator app

Using the WXwidgets, I made a calculator. that would do the basics of what a calculator used for.

Game Of Life

Here I used C# and Windows forms to make the Game of Life. I even used this project in my capstone game for a TV Channel. When you click on the TV it will playback a video recording I made of this project.