Topology Qual Prep Seminar Summer 2021

Exam Date and Time: September 21st, 1:00 PM

Part A, Point Set Topology

Part B, Algebraic Topology

Reinhard Schultz



Part C, Differential Topology


Tuesday/Thursday 8:30-9:50 am

Office Hours

Monday 9-10, Friday 12-1

Mock Qual #0
(2019 Qualifying Exam)

Meeting 1, July 27th

Recording of the meeting

Notes from the day

Today we got to know each other, talked about some expectations for the seminar, and then did a few problems from the part A section of the "Exercises to know" list

Meeting 2, July 29th


Recording of the meeting

Notes from the day

Discussed solutions to the above worksheet

Meeting 3, Aug 3rd

Recording of the meeting

Notes from the day

Solution for Exercises to know B11

Spent some time talking about mock qual 0 and then discussed some part B questions from "Exercises to know"

Meeting 4, Aug 5th


Recording of the meeting

Notes from the day

Solution for Exercises to know B14

Discussed solutions to the above worksheet

Meeting 5, Aug 10th

Recording of the meeting

Notes from the day

Went over a few questions from this year's differential topology final exam.

Meeting 6, Aug 12th


Recording of the meeting

Notes from the day

Discussed problems to the above worksheet

Meeting 7, Aug 17th

Recording of the meeting

Notes from the day

We talked about some solutions to Mock Qual #1

Aug 19th

No meeting today

Meeting 8, Aug 24th

Recording of the meeting

Several people presented solutions and problems from Mock Qual 2 during the discussion today. I emailed a link to sign up for problems.

A great MSE post about intuition for homology groups

Meeting 9, Aug 26th

Recording of the meeting

Notes from the day

We spent today talking about Mock Qual 2, Question 5.

Meeting 10, Aug 31th

Recording of the meeting

Several people presented solutions and problems from Mock Qual 3 during the discussion today. I emailed a link to sign up for problems.

Correction: At the end of the video I say every simply connected space is contractible. This is false! S² is a counterexample.

Meeting 11, Sep 2nd

Recording of the meeting

Notes from the day

We covered some of the older problems from past mock quals and exercises to know.

Meeting 12, Sep 7th

Recording of the meeting

Notes from the day (Errors in Solution to Q7)

We talked about some of the questions on Mock Qual 4.

Meeting 13, Sep 9th

Recording of the meeting

Notes from the day

Today we talked about a "grab bag" of problems, mostly things requested by attendees of the seminar.

This is the last official day of the seminar.

Meeting 14, Sep 14th

Worksheet for the day

Notes from the day

We turned this meeting into an office hour, so there's no recording. We discussed questions 8 through 11 in the above worksheet with applications of Homology and some Seifert–Van Kampen examples.

(This is a make up meeting, due to missing August 19th.)

Extra Office Hours

Monday, Sep 13th 9:00

Thursday, Sep 16th 8:30

Maybe another hour, depending on demand.

A solution for Question 6 of this year's 201C Final Exam