Media, Interviews, and Public Lectures


PhiSci: Conversations about Philosophy and Science. My YouTube channel

Interview, Center for Philosophy of Science podcast

Interview, Athenaeum Review podcast

Interview, EconTalk: Conversations for the Curious

Interview, The Dissenter channel

Interview, Medicating normal channel

Interview, Philosophers on Medicine podcast

Interview, with the publishers of the Italian translation of Medical Nihilism

Popular writing

Gentle medicine could radically transform medical practice. Aeon magazine

Fast science and philosophy of science. BSPS blog post

Do antidepressants work? Aeon magazine

Gentle medicine (in Norwegian), Salongen Nettidsskrift for Filosofi


Fast pandemic science. Online lecture, Responsible Life Science Policy

Your life in the balance. Public debate, The Institute of Art and Ideas

How to be a medical nihilist during a pandemic. Cambridge Medical Humanities Society

Medicine's mistakes. Public lecture, HowTheLightGetsIn Festival

The three Rs: research, regulation, and really bad pharmaceutical companies. The Institute of Art and Ideas

Medical nihilism and gentle medicine. Keynote lecture, University of Texas

The medicalisation of sexual desire. Lecture, Czech Academy of Sciences

'The Drug Worked for Me' ... But Did It?  Lecture, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade

Bayesian mechanista. Lecture, New Social Research programme, Tampere University


A professor of medicine carefully presents medical nihilism (35:20)

Interviewed for article about meta-analysis. Science

Interview (translated into Bulgarian). Bulgarian media

Article about Medical Nihilism. Scientific American