
Welcome to the Jaclyn's Bookshelf Website! My name is Jaclyn Trentacosti, and I am the website creator!  I was born and raised in Queens, New York, and I am currently a Graduate Student at Queens College. I became an avid reader during the COVID-19 pandemic and want to grow and share my love of reading with others. 

This website is dedicated to the books that I am reading and postings of some exciting events that I have, including book club, where we either meet somewhere in NYC or via Zoom, the Book of the Month based on the results of the poll from the previous month, movie and television showings of adaptations of books that we are discussing and if the book is still supreme, and so on. These events help me host my YouTube Channel called Jaclyn's Bookshelf, where I discuss books I have read and compare and contrast all of the adaptations and books to determine if the book is supreme or if an adaptation takes the trophy. I learn things from these events that I would not have thought of before and bring them to my discussions in my videos. 

I hope everyone becomes a part of this community, and if you want, you can make suggestions about more events we can do. You can do that by emailing me at Jaclyn.Trentacosti86@qmail.cuny.edu