How To Be A Valiant Driver

After a couple of years of driving a car, it becomes a cakewalk for us. But, the probability of a car accident can never be ignored, be it caused by a mechanical fault or due to the driver’s carelessness. Apart from ensuring that you’ve filled your car with enough fuel and it is properly serviced, the utmost important thing you can do to avoid any probable accidents is to be alert and attentive on the road. According to a research done in 2014, distracted driving took lives of about 3,179 people and injured more than 4,32,000 people in the UK.

Here are some enlightening and pragmatic facts about distracted driving that would help you be more vigilant on the road.


60% of today’s population is devoted to their cellphones. So it wouldn’t be astonishing that cellphones are the leading cause of distracted driving and the hike in accidents on the road. Talking to someone over a call, texting during driving, watching a video or a film, anything of this sort can take your mind off driving, and as a result, the important signs and signals, other vehicles, and pedestrians will go unnoticed, thus increasing the chances of potential accidents.


If you’ve heard that it is alright to talk over the phone or listen to some music using a hands-free or headphones or Bluetooth, then FYI, these acts are equivalently dangerous as talking or texting via a cell-phone while driving is. A study has shown that it takes a person 27 seconds to concentrate wholly on driving after using a cellphone and during that span any unwanted misfortune can take place that may lead to undesired consequences. So, avoid using any gadget until you’re safely parked.


Most of us like tapping our hands on the steering and humming to that jazz or pop song playing in our audio box while driving. There obviously cannot be a better delight than music. But many times we get so engrossed in our favourite song that our mind gets deviated from what is happening around. The kind of music you listen to while driving does affect your driving skills. Listening to very loud music, as seen in the case of teenagers, may prevent you from hearing the honking of the nearby vehicles. So listen to the kind of music that has a joyful, calming effect on your mind, and keep the volume moderate.


We all have our bad days when we feel worried about some things not going in our favour. But, it is not a good idea to drive with a bad mood because the anger or hurt increases the risk of an accident ten times more. Hence, it is better that you wait a couple of minutes, calm your nerves, and then drive with a peaceful mind.


Not many of us realise the risks associated with eating while driving. Munching on a burger or sipping down soda appears to be a very small thing to a significant section of people. When a person is occupied with eating their food, it naturally takes off their attention from the road. This can possibly give rise to an accident. It is always a safe practice to park the car in a parking area and then eat the food to avoid any catastrophe.


In the case of a long road trip, taking small breaks and resting in between is the best way to go. The person who is behind the wheels should take a short recess at regular intervals to ensure an enjoyable and safe trip. Driving continuously for long hours can be very tiring and may make the driver feel sleepy in the middle of the route. This increases the chances of any casualty.

Learn more about distracted driving at our centre Jackson MOT, specialists in tyres in Northampton and be a careful and heroic driver.