Research Projects

Completed Projects

Phonological treatment of affricates in Yiddish

Investigation of treatment of affricates in Yiddish. Particularly, the sequence/segment and phoneme/allophone status and ts, tʃ , and dz. Compiled word lists and interviewed native speakers. Extended findings to motivate various underlying universal representations of the affricate. 

Conference Presentations

Goldberg, Jack (2021) "Yiddish Treatment of Affricates and Segmental Analysis," Proceedings of Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium 15

Goldberg, Jack (2021)  "Phonological Treatment of Affricates in Yiddish," Proceedings of Midphon 25 

Current Projects

Analysis of articulatory setting for L1 and L2 English speakers using MRI data

Joint work with Kevin Huang- To be presented at INTERSPEECH 2024

Analysis of how country of acquisition of English effects speaker's articulatory setting of English. Presented an automated pipeline for measurement of articulatory setting in multiple constriction locations in an MRI corpus. This pipeline was then applied, alongside statistical analysis, to examine the USC 75 speaker MRI corpus. Results indicated that the country of English acquisition significantly influenced articulatory settings in many places of articulation in terms of articulator distance.

Vowel harmony and consonant assimilation in Bashkir, a phonological analysis

Phonological analysis of suffix morphology in Bashkir, a Kipchak Turkic language spoken in Bashkortostan, Russia. The investigation is carried out through elicitation sessions and data collection with Bashkir speakers in the Los Angeles area. Upon collection, the focus lies on delving into the intricate consonant assimilation and vowel harmony, specifically within nominal case morphology. Particular attention is paid to unconventional consonant natural classes, re-syllabification, and exceptional instances of vowel rounding harmony.