Jacinta Torres

Hi! Welcome to my website. I'm an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) at the Mathematical Institute of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Since July 2022 I am PI of the SONATA grant "Algebraic Combinatorics and Geometry in Representation Theory".  I am also part of the working group of Jerzy Weyman.  If you are in Kraków, you are welcome to join our Algebra Seminar!  

Since 2024 I am member of the Global Integration Commission of the Mexican Mathematical Society.  If you are curious about that, or if you identify as a Mexican mathematician in Europe, feel free to drop me an email:)


Arthur Jopek (Bachelor,  2020)

Thesis title: "Root systems on del Pezzo surfaces"

Vladyslav Zveryk (Master,  2023-2024)

Thesis title: "Atomic decomposition of crystals via diagram automorphisms"

Joanna Michalska (Bachelor student scholarship, 2023-2024)

 I work in representation theory of Lie algebras and love combinatorial challenges with underlying algebraic or geometric meaning.  In particular, I work in algebraic combinatorics and on problems at the crossroads between representation theory of Lie algebras, commutative algebra and geometry. 

You can find an attempt at a very quick introduction to my area of research for a general audience  here (disclaimer:  video in Polish! ) and a slightly longer podcast episode (also in Polish) here

My husband Maciek is also a mathematician. 


ul. prof. Stanisława Łojasiewicza 6

30-348 Kraków

room: 3123

phone: 7585

e-mail: jacinta.torres@uj.edu.pl