In Visual Studio, you can choose .NET Framework 4.5 as the target framework for a project (this sets the GetReferenceAssemblyPaths.TargetFrameworkMoniker property) to compile the project as a .NET Framework 4.5 assembly or executable. This assembly or executable can then be used on any computer that has .NET Framework 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, or 4.8 installed.

In Visual Studio, you can choose .NET Framework 4.5.1 as the target framework for a project to compile it as a .NET Framework 4.5.1 assembly or executable. Only run this assembly or executable on computers that have .NET Framework 4.5.1 or later installed. An executable that targets .NET Framework 4.5.1 will be blocked from running on a computer that only has an earlier version of .NET Framework, such as .NET Framework 4.5, installed. The user will be prompted to install .NET Framework 4.5.1. In addition, .NET Framework 4.5.1 assemblies should not be called from an app that targets an earlier version of .NET Framework, such as .NET Framework 4.5.

.NET Framework Version 4.7.2 Crack


The .NET Framework family also includes two versions for mobile or embedded device use. A reduced version of the framework, the .NET Compact Framework, is available on Windows CE platforms, including Windows Mobile devices such as smartphones. Additionally, the .NET Micro Framework is targeted at severely resource-constrained devices.

For the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 there is also a new variant of the .NET Framework, called the ".NET Framework Client Profile", which at 28 MB is significantly smaller than the full framework and only installs components that are the most relevant to desktop applications.[57] However, the Client Profile amounts to this size only if using the online installer on Windows XP SP2 when no other .NET Frameworks are installed or using Windows Update. When using the off-line installer or any other OS, the download size is still 250 MB.[58]

On 28 July 2009, a second release of the .NET Framework 4 beta was made available with experimental software transactional memory support.[66] This functionality is not available in the final version of the framework.

I could (maybe) do like suggested here: (and make a c++ program that should start first, make the check and then launch the application)Check on .Net framework version from WinForms appBut I would rather not go into c++.

Another way seems to be this solution:Why isn't an exception thrown when the right .NET framework version is not present?... where you configure your application in app.config. But I doubt that will work if there i no .NET framework installed.

If you want to check that the framework is installed, you really need to do this from within a a bootstrapper exe either written in a .NET version you know will exist (like .NET 2 as it gets installed on the machine with the OS) or some other language like C++.

It is a bit like Windows Installer, but simplified a lot. From the user perspective application will look like desktop icon. When you click on the icon, it will automatically check all the requirements and install the latest version of your software if it has been updated. This way you can ensure that users always has the required framework installed, as well users always will use the latest version.

But in any case, nothing prevents you to make bootstrapper, which will be able run in majority of times (aka required less/none components) and which will run your .net application. It can be organized in multiple ways: exe + exe (often renamed), exe + dll, exe + embedded resource (extract and run), etc...

Hi there, I have to import a library into my C# but the operation fails, seemingly due to incompatibility of the .NET frameworks used in GH and the library (written in .NET 4.6) the does anyone know what is the version of the .NET framework compatible with the latest version of GH? Is the latest version of GH from 2014?

Hi David, thanks for your response, by running this file I realized you have released GH 0.9.0076 is quite old and the .NET framework is 4.0! Where can I find the new version you are using? is it part of the Rhino WIP?

Knowing your framework version has advantages. Firstly, compatibility with software. Some programs require specific versions of the framework. Knowing which versions you have helps prevent compatibility issues when installing new software.

Developers use the .NET Framework to make desktop apps, web apps, mobile apps, games, and more. The framework simplifies the development process by providing pre-built parts and functionalities that are easy to add to applications.

There's another question to be asked: "Why do projects opt to upgrade to a newer framework version?" Ideally, the answers will say something about the value to the project or its constituency of the upgrade. For example, with a commercial framework, the inability to get professional support for the older version. More often than not, the answer is "To take advantage of a capability not present in the older version.".

Targeting a newer version of .NET when your application doesn't rely on anything from the latest version of .NET is unnecessary, unless the target framework itself is reaching end of life. You're introducing additional work to upgrade and test your application with no real benefit.

As previously announced, starting January 12, 2016 Microsoft will no longer provide security updates, technical support or hotfixes for .NET 4, 4.5, and 4.5.1 frameworks. All other framework versions, including 3.5, 4.5.2, 4.6 and 4.6.1, will be supported for the duration of their established lifecycle. The decision to end support for these versions will allow us to invest more resources towards improvements of the .NET Framework.

Multiple versions of the .NET framework can be installed on a machine. The registry can be used to determine if the .NET Framework version 4.5.2 or later has been installed. You will need administrative credentials to read the registry with regedit.

We have addressed common questions in the Q&A below. For more details on the .NET Framework support lifecycle, visit the Microsoft .NET Framework Support Lifecycle Policy FAQ. Additionally, compatibility of the .NET framework can be viewed on the .NET Application Compatibility page. Should you have any unanswered questions please reach out to Microsoft Support or write us directly at

Recently, some people have been experiencing an issue where they get a blank white screen when they download Qlik Sense Desktop. This post and this post go through some good things you can do to try and resolve the issue, and you may also want to try downloading the latest service release version of Qlik Sense Desktop, and running the repair option. Another thing to check, particularly for people who are installing Qlik Sense for the first time, is the machine's .NET framework version.

If we take a look at the Qlik Sense Desktop system requirements, you can see that it requires version 4.5.2 (higher versions should also be ok). There are several methods you can use to check your .NET framework version, which are outlined on this page as well as this one. The method I have found easiest to use is to simply enter this command into your command prompt:

To do this, go to your 'Start' menu, and search for 'Command Prompt'. Right click on that, and choose 'Run as Administrator'. Once the command prompt is open, simply copy the above line, and paste it into your command prompt (fyi, you'll have to use right click then select 'Paste' - CTRL+V won't work in command prompt). Then hit enter. Once the command has finished running - be patient, it may take a few minutes - it should display the .NET framework version you are running. Mine shows I am running version 4.6.

The agent includes built-in instrumentation for some of the most popular parts of the .NET ecosystem, including frameworks, databases, and message queuing systems. After you download and install the agent, it runs within the monitored process. The agent doesn't create a separate process or service.

Our .NET agent support of these framework versions end with the latest 9.x New Relic .NET agent. Starting from the New Relic .NET agent version 10.0, we will target .NET framework 4.6.2 onwards. For more details, including how you can easily prepare for this transition, see our Support Forum post.

To instrument applications running on .NET Framework version 4.0 or lower, you must run a version of the New Relic .NET agent lower than 7.0. For more information and download procedures, see Technical support for .NET frameworks 4.0 or lower.

If your application is hosted in ASP.NET or another fully supported framework, the .NET agent will automatically instrument your application after install. If your app isn't automatically instrumented, or if you want to add instrumentation, use custom instrumentation.

Various sensors of PRTG require the .NET framework. Which version of .NET must be installed on my probe systems so that PRTG can run these .NET sensors? Which sensor types need the .NET framework to be installed?

03 Run webapp config set command (Windows/macOS/Linux) using the ID of the Azure App Service web application that you want to reconfigure as identifier parameter (see Audit section part I to identify the right ASP.NET application) to enable the latest version of the Microsoft .NET Framework for the selected web application. For --net-framework-version parameter value, use "v4.0" to enable .NET Framework version 4.7 (latest stable version of .NET Framework returned by the webapp list-runtimes command at step no. 2):

NServiceBus targets a specific version of the .NET Framework but that does not mean user code must be targeting the same version. This only indicates the minimum required .NET Framework. The actual framework used at runtime is determined by the application.

Users can run multiple versions of the framework of .NET on their computers. If you are a developer and need to deploy or develop software or an app, then you will need to know which .NET Framework versions are installed on your computer. be457b7860

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