GoAccess was designed to be a fast, terminal-based log analyzer. Its core idea isto quickly analyze and view web server statistics in realtime without needing to use your browser(great if you want to do a quick analysis of your access log via SSH, or if you simply love working in the terminal).

Note: Note: It's important to ensure the user or the users' group can access the input and output files as well as any other files needed. Other groups the user belongs to will be ignored. As such it's advised to run GoAccess behind a SSL proxy as it's unlikely this user can access the SSL certificates.

GoAccess IIS Access Log

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Output HTML assets to external JS/CSS files. Great if you are setting up Content Security Policy (CSP). This will create two separate files, goaccess.js and goaccess.css, in the same directory as your report.html file.

Number of lines from the access log to test against the provided log/date/time format. By default, the parser is set to test 10 lines. If set to 0, the parser won't test any lines and will parse the whole access log and thus making the processing less strict.

If a line matches the given log/date/time format before it reaches number, the parser will consider the log to be valid, otherwise GoAccess will return EXIT_FAILURE and display the relevant error messages.

Now if we want to add more flexibility to GoAccess, we can do a series ofpipes. For instance, if we would like to process all compressed log filesaccess.log.*.gz in addition to the current log file, we can do:

The configuration file is located under ~/.goaccessrc or%sysconfdir%/goaccess.conf where %sysconfdir% is usually /etc/, /usr/etc/ or/usr/local/etc/. Passing ---dcf to GoAccess will display where the config file is being read from. You can find the default configuration file here.

Once you have GoAccess installed on a machine, then you should be ready to start using it. However, first you need to determine the log format of your access log. GoAccess comes with several predefined log format options that you can use. Either you can set them permanently in your configuration file or simply passing it through the command line.

If you are unsure, please feel free to open a new issue on Github and post a few sample lines from your access log. If you have a custom log format, please take a look at the custom log format options.

Pantheon runs nginx web servers for optimal performance. Your site's nginx access logs record web server events and activities that can help you identify potential issues and gather information about users.

GoAccess is a free, open source utility that creates reports by parsing nginx-access.log files. You can use the nginx-access.log files to identify the most used browsers and operating systems, visitor IPs, and the most frequent 404s from the command line.

The problem could be originated by the fact that Caddy is set to look at :82/goaccess/index.html (which is the port where my Apache Server is running, i.e. the sole location that I managed to make it accessible for reading the index.html file).

GoAccess is more basic than the other two, but still supports the information I want to get. Instead of using a tracking script on each page I serve, it just parses the access logs already produced by Nginx.

Since I set up real time updates with WebSockets, I need to pass that URL and port through from the client to the goaccess server. I already have Nginx configured to reverse proxy a few other services (see my other article about forwarding GitHub webhooks for website deployment as an example), so it was pretty trivial to include one more location.

This just adds an authentication prompt to two locations (the HTML page that goaccess generates, and the websocket connection required for realtime updates), and points Nginx towards a password file that I created.

Thanks for posting - this looks like a great admin tool. I have been using pimpmylog.com as a online server log viewer, but I like the data abstraction goaccess.io is doing. I will see about setting this up and giving it a try.

I use Nginx Proxy Manager and by default, it puts its access logs in the file /config/log/default.log. This location is non-configurable. Well, actually it's configured in the file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf with the line:

... but nginx.conf is not in a mapped folder so I just left it alone. I just ensured that it mapped its /config/log folder to a folder that both containers could access. In my case, I used /mnt/user/dmz/goaccess/log

The goaccess container looks for its access logs in the file /opt/log/access.log by default. Luckily, this is configurable in the goaccess.conf file that is mapped to the host's /mnt/user/appdata/goaccess/goaccess.conf file. In there, change the line:

The other thing to do is to provide the log/date/time file format that Nginx Proxy Manager uses in a language that goaccess understands. The nginx format is defined in the same nginx.conf file mentioned above as:

That's it. You should now have a beautiful dashboard of your Nginx Proxy Manager access logs including which subdomains are getting used most (virtual hosts) and which URLs end up going to 404 (possible attacks) and a whole lot more besides!

Just open the goaccess container's Console window and paste the three lines of log/date/time format into the file ~/.goaccessrc so it looks like this:

error: skipping "/data/logs/fallback_access.log" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.

I spent time with this and got several things to work, but it seems with the Nginx Proxy Manager - Official container, the log files are different between fallback_access.log and the proxy host logs. Adding them all will not work and missing info will occur since you can have either all the proxy host logs OR fallback_access since they're formatted differently.

Great utility... thanks!! I have it all working (using SWAG/NGINX - /opt/log directory path is set to my SWAG /mnt/user/appdata/swag/log/nginx/ folder) and pulling into the access.log. I am seeing this error message though:

Once the template deployment is successful, you can view the real time analytics by accessing the link -DnsNameOfVM/report.html where Public-DnsNameOfVM is the DNS name entered as input to the template.

Also, since it is a Virtual Machine, you can use Network Security Groups to allow/deny IP addresses to restrict access, but make sure that outbound internet connectivity is allowed to reach the storage account.

The configuration file may be located at ~/.goaccessrc or %sysconfdir%/goaccess.conf where %sysconfdir% is either /etc/, /usr/etc/, or /usr/local/etc/. To find out where the config file is located on your server, run the following command:

As mentioned previously, you will sometimes have several compressed log files on a long-running web server. To run GoAccess on all these files without extracting them first, you can pipe the output of the zcat command to goaccess:

For better access log readibilty I also installed GoAccess package. When I start GoAccess with COMBINED log format it works. But I have configured few virtual hosts (that aren't show in GoAccess report page for now), so I should use VCOMBINED format, but it produces an error:

To resolve this, simply remove the first line of the log file like this (this will create a new file, change the below however you feel like):

tail -n +2 access.log > access.log.withoutfirstline.log

could we add go access for analytics of websites into Nethserver.

WE managed to add it inside CWP( -webpanel.com) and considering cwp is a multi tenant system, it works great. so it should be possible to integrate it with nethserver. be457b7860

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