Indian Women and Mathematics (IWM)

Annual Conference 2022-2023

27th to 29th December 2022

at IISER Pune, India

Indian Women and Mathematics (IWM) is a collective of mathematicians that has been in existence formally since 2013. It began as a project supported by the National Board of Higher Mathematics (NBHM), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India and continues to be sponsored by NBHM.

The IWM Annual Conferences aim to bring together women students, college and university teachers and early-career researchers working at the frontiers of mathematics to exchange mathematical ideas and share their experiences.

A major goal of this event is to enable junior women mathematicians to interact with their senior colleagues, both individually and in small groups. In addition to the invited talks, there will be contributory talks and sessions that will facilitate interactions of young researchers with senior mathematicians. Advanced Ph.D. students, early-career researchers and prospective participants from SAARC nations are particularly encouraged to apply.

Participation is not restricted to women only. Others are welcome to apply, especially those in the early stages of their careers.

This year the Annual Conference of IWM is going to be held at

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune,

Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune-411008.

Scientific committee:

  1. Anisa Chorwadwala, IISER Pune

  2. Riddhi Shah, Jawaharlal Nehru University

  3. Sachi Srivastava, University of Delhi

  4. Vijaylaxmi Trivedi (Chair), TIFR Mumbai

Organizing committee:

  1. Anisa Chorwadwala (Convener), IISER Pune

  2. Neha Prabhu, S. P. Pune University

  3. Haripada Sau, IISER Pune

  4. Riddhi Shah, Jawaharlal Nehru University

  5. Vijaylaxmi Trivedi (IWM-EC Chair), TIFR Mumbai