IW-FCV2022 Virtual

Hiroshima, Japan, Feb. 21-22, 2022

Paper Submission Instructions

Paper format

Submitting papers should be formatted with the following paper templates (Springer Computer Science Proceedings format).

Formatting templates for MS-Word and LaTeX, as well as the link to Overleaf, are available on the Springer webpage: Link

  • Paper type: IW-FCV2022 accepts the following three paper types.

  1. Full paper: 12-15 pages

  2. Short paper: 2-8 pages

  3. Extended summary: 2-8 pages

  • Paper submission is handled via EasyChair : Link

Post-Workshop Proceedings

The organizing committee will publish the post-workshop proceedings of IW-FCV2022 as a Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series after the workshop. The post-workshop proceedings will include only high-quality papers selected by reviewers.

The condition under which a paper is subject to peer review for inclusion in the post-workshop proceedings are as follows:

  1. The paper must be a full paper (12-15 pages) that contains original research that has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere.

  2. When submitting a paper, the authors should indicate their intention to include the paper in the post-workshop proceedings.
    In addition, in order for a paper to be included in the post-workshop proceedings, it must:

  3. be presented at the workshop by at least one author.

  4. When submitting a camera-ready version, the authors should complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form to transfer the copyright for the paper to the publisher.

The post-workshop proceedings will be included in Springer Link Digital Library. And workshop attendees will have free access for four weeks after the post-workshop proceedings are published.

Authors should consult [Springer's authors' guidelines] and use their proceedings templates for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. Please kindly refer to [the editorial policies webpage] and note the importance of this.