Call for Abstracts

Aims and Scope

The aim of the workshop is to foster interaction of researchers and exchange of ideas in the area of data science. Furthermore, interaction and networking between researchers and practitioners in industry is encouraged. Prospective authors are invited to submit extended abstracts. All submissions will be reviewed by the members of the Program Committee. Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters in the poster session.

Author Instructions and Deadlines

The instructions for authors are available here. Please submit your abstracts before the submission deadline.

Workshop Topics

A. Multimedia Data Processing and Data Management

A1. Image and video processing and analysis

A2. Blind source separation

A3. Signal processing

A4. Natural language processing

A5. Data integration

A6. Information security and privacy

B. Machine Learning and Data Mining

B1. Versatile and scalable machine learning

B2. Descriptive data mining and tools for knowledge discovery

B3. Statistics, evaluation, and interpretation for multivariate complex data sets

B4. Mining, modelling, and inference on complex networks

C. Heterogeneous Computing and Advanced Cloud Services

C1. Heterogenous computing architectures

C2. Algorithms for heterogeneous computing

C3. Energy-aware algorithms and computing architectures

C4. Fast Cloud - scalable scientific computing services

C5. Real-time distributed data stream processing platforms

D. Multidisciplinary Data Intensive Applications

D1. Particle physics and astrophysics

D2. Bio-sciences and healthcare

D3. Business analytics and finance

D4. Real-time intelligent transport analytics

D5. Networks and society